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Town Minutes from 7/20/2017

Minutes from a Town meeting on 7/20/2017.

Lapel Town Council Meeting
July 20, 2017

In attendance:  Michael Cates, Lindsay Washmuth, Tony Pearson, Dave Taylor, Deb Wainscott, Dennis Molina and Bill Byer.

Pearson made a motion to approve the prior meeting minutes, 2nd by Cates, all were in favor.  Cates made a motion to approve all of the claims except to McAllister which will be investigated by Taylor, 2nd by Wainscott and all were in favor.

Representatives from the Ford Street Church requested to close 9th and Ford Streets at the corner of the church for their back to school bash August 27 from 4pm to 7pm.  Taylor made the motion to approve; Cates 2nd and all were in favor.

The issue of the paving on 500 South was discussed; the State won’t have it repaired until 2018 and are asking the Town to make a temporary fix to get the road reopened.  Molina is to meet with an engineer next week to discuss the situation.  Taylor is concerned about our liability if we plate the road it may not stand up to weight limits.  Decision on what to do is tabled until Molina meets with engineer and reports back.

The Community Crossroads Grant for paving was turned in on time and now it’s a matter of waiting until awards are announced.

Daniel Paull approached the Council regarding media coverage of the Town meetings and news coverage.  Paull presented a proposal to the Council for his fee of $250.00 a month to report the meetings/ news on the Town website and Facebook.  Taylor made a motion to accept the proposal, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.

Daniel Paull presented the new email changes and fees to the Town Council.  Changes to the email addresses and storage are required to keep up with new State statute.  Charges will be $100 monthly to Google and $250.00 to Paull.  Wainscott made a motion to accept, 2nd by Taylor and all were in favor.  Paull will inform the Council of their new emails and begin set up by the next meeting.

The 2nd reading of the Building Permit Fee Schedule change was had.  The changes to the Fee Schedule are $50.00 fee for above ground pool (filtered with electric) and $50.00 fee for spa (with electric).  Both of those fees were previously ZERO dollars.  Motion to accept as read by Cates, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.  Final reading will be at the August 17 Council Meeting with advertising to follow.

A resident requested a “Children at Play” sign at 14th and Ford Street, Marlin Johnson to have crew install sign and speed limit signs have been requested for the Brookside addition, Utility Crew to install as needed.

The council had a brief discussion regarding the email received from USDI.  USDI is asking for an employee to work with regarding the gas utility.  Todd Bryant who normally handles the gas operations has been out on sick leave.  Marlin Johnson stated he would handle the gas operations short term but asked Council to look for a long term solution.

Washmuth appointed Paula Lee to send out vegetation letters on an as need basis.

Mr. Vibbert 9474 Auburn Court approached the Council regarding water issues and the recent flooding. He had concerns over the developer not putting in ponds in a timely manner. The issue of Mr. Vibbert's pool being in a swale was also discussed. At this time Mr. Vibbert refuses to remove the pool, Council to table matter and discuss at a later time.

KenDeLaBastide requested that an open ditch not be put in the right of way at 13th and Erie Streets.

The Planning Commission update included news on Giving Hope.  Giving Hope Foundation has requested a General Business Zoning classification with approval from the Planning Commission.  Public Hearing for the zoning request will be August 17, 2017 at 7pm at the Lapel Eagles.  Cates made the motion to approve General Industrial, 2nd by Washmuch and all were in favor.  Council advised Planning Commission that payment for Neil Stephenson’s fee will currently come out of Building Permit fees and will be added to next year’s budget.

The Police Department has requested a revisit of the Golf Cart Ordinance, with a reminder to residents that all drivers of golf carts must be 16 years old or older with a valid driver’s license.  Chief Daniels has requested that as owners come in for their yearly stickers they also receive another inspection a copy of the Ordinance.  Golf Cart Ordinance to be reviewed and any proposed changes sent to Council and Byer.  Chief Daniels asked the Council to revisit the policy for take home vehicles, he proposes changing the wording from “will” to “may” and the maximum distance be changed from 25 miles to 5 miles, grandfathering in Officers who currently live beyond 5 miles.  This will lower fuel usage and wear and tear on vehicles.  Taylor made the motion to approve the changes to the take home vehicle policy, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.

Chief Daniels requested to purchase 5 new Tasers for the Police Department at a cost of $6,381.90 on a 5 year contract with the 1st year’s payment to come out of the Continuing Ed budget and to add the remaining 4 years payments into the upcoming budget years.  Motion to approve purchase and proposed payment and budget made by Washmuth, 2nd by Cates and all were in favor.  Chief Daniels discussed the possibility of obtaining an electronic monitoring speed sign for areas such as Main Street by the Optimist Club and the schools.  The signs are capable of collecting data for street and road grants and some have the capability of photographing the speeding vehicles.  Council advised Daniels to get more info on the signs and return to Council.

The Culy quote for patching the road and repairing the culvert at 400 south came in at $8,300.00.  Council asked Marlin Johnson if this was work the Utility Crew could do.  Johnson stated that the crew could replace the pipe, put the #2 stone and patch the road but it would take about 2 days to do and the road would need to be closed during the repair work.  Johnson was told by Council to get a cost of the materials, labor and equipment needed for the project and report back.

Jean Ann Lloyd requested to the Council that the intersection of 10th and Ford be made a 4 way stop due to the number of children that play in the area.  Motion was made by Cates to approve, 2nd by Washmuth, in favor was Cates, Washmuth, Wainscott and Taylor.  Voting no was Pearson.

The BZA met and approved the Special Use Variance for Nick Norman at 22 W Pendleton Ave.  That property will now be used as a car lot and repair shop.

Cates made the motion to hire Chris Hobbs as the new Utility Manager with a salary of $45,000 a year beginning August 1, 2017, Washmuth 2nd and all were in favor.  Wainscott made the motion to make Marlin Johnson Crew Leader, 2nd by Cates and all were in favor.  Wainscott made a motion to send the following accounts to Collection Specialists:  1211 00 Short, 8030 07 Whitacre, 8330 00 White, 8465 01 Garner with 5080 01 will be written off at an amount of $3.76.  This was 2nd by Dave Taylor and all were in favor.  Vegetation letters will be sent to the following properties:  231 W 7th, empty lot on Caplinger and 8912 W ST RD 132.
