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Town Minutes from 7/16/2020

Minutes from a Town meeting on 7/16/2020.

Lapel Town Council Meeting

July 16, 2020

Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm and in attendance in person was Chad Blake, Teresa Retherford, Paula Lee, Dennis Molina, Kourtney Krabbe, and virtually was Jason Kleinbub, Jeff Graham (town attorney, and Lindsay Washmuth arriving virtually at 7:02pm.

Public Comment: Jama Forrest, 9445 Birmingham Blvd expressed her concerns with the construction traffic, trash, weeds, and working passed 10pm from the house being built next to her. Chad Blake stated that Code Enforcement Official Chris Hobbs can enforce the cleanup of weeds, and trash, and that Mrs. Forrest would need to call the nonemergency police line to enforce the noise ordinance. Mrs. Forrest also stated that a resident in her housing addition has 16 bushes planted in a drainage easement which is causing a draining issue in her back yard. Blake stated that the Town and Chris Hobbs are currently working on enforcing ordinance violations and fines now that the Governor as listed the restrictions caused by COVID-19.

Public comment section of the meeting was closed due to no further comments.

Motion to approve 6/18/2020 minutes made by Retherford, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor.

Motion to approve 6/26/2020 minutes made by Blake, 2nd by Kleinbub; all in favor except Washmuth who abstained.

Approval of July Docket Claims: Chad Blake expressed his concern with APV # 7316 from RQAW regarding drain and sidewalk issues that should have been included in the CCMG. A motion to approve the July 2020 Claims with the exception of APV # 7316 was made by Blake, 2nd by Retherford; all were in favor.

Sidewalk Replacement Project: Paula Lee stated that 9 individuals have signed up to be a part of the project, and asked the Council for permission to have the utility crew go out and measure those sidewalks so the Town can put out for bid specs. Molina stated he believes the sidewalks are now regulated to be 5’ wide, and 4” thick. Lee informed the Council that our utility crew would tear out the existing sidewalks, and the company hired would replace the sidewalks, and that we would bid out by the foot. A motion to send out bids, and have all bids submitted by August 19th for the sidewalk replacement project was made by Blake, 2nd by Retherford; all were in favor.

Kleinbub made a motion to continue the Council’s regular meeting after having a public hearing for the new trash ordinance, 2nd by Washmuth; all were in favor.

Public Hearing: Trash Ordinance 7-2020 is to increase the monthly trash service charge from $0.50 to $2.00 in addition to the company’s flat rate monthly charge. The Town currently passes exact cost of the trash service to the supplier, therefore is losing money from billing aspects, and labor used to maintain the service. A standard customer with ONE trash can, and ONE recycle can will be charged $15.27 starting July 2020. No public comment was made. Retherford made a motion to close the public hearing, 2nd by Blake; all were in favor.

Motion to continue the regular town council meeting was made by Blake, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor.

Motion to accept ordinance 7-2020 made by Kleinbub, 2nd by Washmuth; all were in favor.

Motion to waive the 2nd, and 3rd readings of ordinance 7-2020 made by Blake, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor.

Jeff Graham stated the Vectren contract could be taken off the meeting agenda due to it had already been discussed at a prior meeting.

Kleinpeter Contract: Mike Kleinpeter from Kleinpeter Consulting writes our OCRA Grant applications. Kleinpeter does not receive payment from the Town of Lapel unless the town is awarded the grant. Motion made to accept Kleinpeter Consulting contract by Retherford, 2nd by Washmuth; all were in favor.

CommonWealth Contract: This contract was originally brought up at the June 26th special meeting, and would put CommonWealth on retainer for the Town for any needed projects outside of the OCRA Grant. Blake asked is the Town should go with CommonWealth for all projects, or if the Town should use other engineers, and CommonWealth for just water & storm projects. Kleinbub stated he would like to give CommonWealth a chance before the Town goes exclusive. Molina stated he would like to see an engineering firm available to work with Lapel Planning Commission for projects that are too big for the Town building inspector to handle. Rob from CommonWealth Engineering stated that the contract is not making the Town only use their firm for all projects. The contract just establishes a rate if the Town were to call their firm at will for misc. tasks. Jeff Graham has no issues with contract from a legal stand point. Kleinbub makes a motion to accept the CommonWealth Engineering contract, 2nd by Retherford; all were in favor. Blake stated that a public hearing for the OCRA grant, and State Revolving Funds would be held in August, and a 2nd public hearing for the OCRA grant would be held in September. CommonWealth Engineering will take care of the advertisements for the public hearings. Rob asked if the Council wants CommonWealth to look over the plan review for the final stage of Montgomery Farms. Retherford said yes, and she is the one that gave Mr. Fiddler CommonWealth’s information.

Utility Update: The gas department is currently working on the IURC assessment, water hydrants will be flushed July 20-24 during working hours, and limb pick up has been delayed until the small dump truck could be repaired. Brandon Hutchison asked the Council to purchase a squeeze off tool to help turn off gas lines during repairs, leak, etc. A motion was made to purchase two squeeze off tools at $1,000/tool made by Blake, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor.

Planning Update: The planning commission gave a positive recommendation for the Ellingwood Property at their last meeting on 7/9/2020. Blake made a motion to accept the Planning Commission’s motion, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor. A public hearing for the Red Barn will be held on 8/13/2020 at 6pm at Lapel Town Hall.

Park Update: Four new benches with memorial plates have been donated to Woodward Park.

Police Update: Chief Naselroad stated new police vests have been ordered, and we are currently just waiting for the items to ship. Kleinbub asked if there is an update on getting a radar gun that was brought up at a prior meeting. Naselroad stated he believes the Police Department needs other items more urgently over the radar gun.

Old Business/New Business: Washmuth asked if the Town has an affidavit for residents to sign when they build items in utility/drainage easements. The Town does have an affidavit for items such as fences, sheds, flowers, etc. to be put in UTILITY easements, but items cannot be put in DRAINAGE easements. 

Madison County Council of Governments asked if any of the Council members have any thoughts or concerns on the Town’s comprehension plan. Blake stated that MCCOG should attend the next Planning Commission meeting as they are in charge of the comprehension plan.

Being no further business to discuss, the meeting was closed.
