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Town Minutes from 10/15/2020

Minutes from a Town meeting on 10/15/2020.

Lapel Town Council Meeting

October 15, 2020

Lapel Eagles

Call to order: Attending in person was Chad Blake, Teresa Retherford, Jason Kleinbub, Paula Lee, and Kourtney Krabbe. Attending virtually was Tom Marvel, Lindsay Washmuth (logged on at 7:03pm), and Jeff Graham, Town Attorney.

Public Comment: Ken De Le Bastide at 1301 Erie Street wanted to express his wife’s thanks to the Town and Park Board for paving the new walkway at Woodward Park.

Being no further comments or questions; public comment was closed.

Motion to suspend regular scheduled meeting and open public hearing for OCRA Grant was made by Retherford, 2nd by Blake; all were in favor.

Mike Kleinpeter with Kleinpeter Consulting stated the Town is applying for the maximum grant at $700K, there will be a site visit next Monday evening, and award announcements will be December 15th.

Krisiti Worthman at 1405 Vine Street asked what the project timeline looked line? Rob Bellocchi from CommonWealth Engineers stated after award announcements it will take approximately 6 months to finalize design, and then the Town would need to send out project bids. Anticipated start date for the project would be September 2021. Kristi asked what if the Town doesn’t get the grant. Blake stated the Town will still pay for and proceed with the project regardless of the grant outcome. Kristi asked if the Town has thought of a short term solution for the water issues. Blake stated that the Ford Street well was just cleaned and serviced which will help with the water quality. Kristi asked why the well was cleaned in 2018 and then needed again this year? Mary Armstrong, Utility Superintendent, stated well cleaning is an as needed basis, and the Town was trying to wait on the grant but due to water issues the cleaning was done now. Kristi said there has been a huge uproar on social media lately about the Town’s communication with the Town residents. Is there a new way to reach out to the community outside of the Town’s social media pages? Paula Lee stated that the Town Newsletter will be discussed later on during this meeting.

Motion to close OCRA public hearing and reopen regular meeting made by Kleinbub, 2nd by Blake; all were in favor.

Motion to approve Resolution #10-2020 made by Kleinbub, 2nd by Retherford; all were in favor.

Motion to suspend regular meeting, and open public hearing for Duncan rezone made by Retherford, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor.

Courtney Duncan is asking to rezone the property at 501 S Walnut Street from Commercial to Residential 2 so she can sell the property. No public comments or questions.

Motion to close Duncan public hearing and reopen regular meeting made by Chad, 2nd by Marvel; all were in favor.

Motion to adopt ordinance 12-2020 made by Marvel, 2nd by Retherford; all were in favor.

Motion to waive 2nd & 3rd readings of Ordinance 12-2020 made by Marvel, 2nd by Washmuth; all were in favor.

Motion to suspend regular meeting, and open public hearing for the Dorsey rezone made by Marvel, 2nd by Blake; all were in favor.

Roscoe Dorsey is asking to rezone the 20 acres at 6208 SR 13 from Ag to Ig. Marvel asked if the drive for the business complex would come off SR 13 or 875W. Dorsey stated the drive would connect the two roads together. No further comments or questions.

Motion to close the Dorsey public hearing and reopen regular meeting made by Kleinbub, 2nd by Blake; all were in favor.

Motion to adopt Ordinance 13-2020 made by Retherford, 2nd by Blake; all were in favor.

Motion to waive the 2nd & 3rd readings of Ordinance 13-2020 made by Blake, 2nd by Retherford; all were in favor.

Motion to adopt Ordinance 11-2020 made by Retherford, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor.

Motion to waive 2nd & 3rd readings of Ordinance 11-2020 made by Retherford, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor.

Motion to adopt Ordinance 14-2020 made by Blake, 2nd by Kleinbub; voting yes was Blake, Marvel, Kleinbub & Retherford; voting no was Washmuth.

Motion to waive 2nd & 3rd readings of Ordinance 14-2020 made by Kleinbub, 2nd by Blake; all were in favor.

Motion to approve memorandums for September 30th & October 7th made by Blake, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor.

Motion to adopt Ordinance 10-2020 made by Retherford, 2nd by Kleinbub; voting yes was Blake, Kleinbub, Washmuth, and Retherford; Marvel abstained.

Motion to approve September 17th meeting minutes made by Blake, 2nd by Retherford; all were in favor except Marvel who was not in attendance for that meeting.

Motion to approve September 24th meeting minutes made by Blake, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor.

Motion to approve October Docket Claims made by Marvel, 2nd by Blake; all were in favor.

Motion to accept Resolution 9-2020 as written made by Kleinbub, 2nd by Retherford; all were in favor.

CCMG 2020-2: Kimley-Horn has provided the Town with an estimated cost to repair the streets that were decided for the next upcoming CCMG project. The Town is currently looking at a total project cost of $968,000 with a local match of $242,150 with a 10% contingency. Lee stated that for the 2021 budget we have $35K in CCMG fund, and $30K in local road & street fund, which leaves a total of $178,000 still needed which could be pulled from the Cascaden Fund. Marvel stated if we can do all the streets on the list, then we need to. We agreed as a Council to use Cascaden for the OCRA project, but we are pursuing with or without the grant on that project, so we might as well use Cascaden to better our Town’s roads. Blake stated that the CR 950 W (Brookside Rd) north segment needs to be marked off the list as it belongs to the county. Jeremy from CommonWealth stated that we need to make sure the roads we do pave are not going to be tore back up when we replace the water lines during the big water project.

Motion to continue with project of $932,600 with a local match of $233,150 was made by Blake, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor.

Motion to accept the professional agreement for Kimley-Horn comprehensive plan for $40K was made by Retherford, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor.

SMCF Award: Motion to award the Lapel Middle School Robotics Club with the SMCF Award of $1,075.00, and match that award amount with Cascaden Funds to donate to the Bulldog Backpack Sponsorship Program was made by Blake, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor.

Police Update: Chief Naselroad stated that they currently have a cage in one vehicle, plus there will be cages in the two new vehicles which leaves them with three vehicles that do not have cages. Naselroad asked the Council if we could purchase three more cages for $7427.70. The total covers the purchase, and the install of the cages through American Eagle. Naselroad stated the Town could use COVID funds for the purchase as the cages are going to help keeping our officers safe. Motion to approve the purchase of cages made by Marvel, 2nd by Retherford; all were in favor.

Officer Dulaney was injured while being a volunteer firefighter, and is currently participating in physical therapy with hopes to be back to work next week.

Park Update: There was no update at this time.

Planning Update: Planning was covered during the public hearings for rezones.

Utility Update: Ford Street Well is back up and running. There have been several water leaks around town, one of them being underneath the driveway of 9220 Briar Drive. The Town had to tear up a good chunk of the driveway to make the repair. Blake declares a Town emergency to repair the driveway. Lee will contact Prater & Sons to get the driveway repaired. Limb pick up is over for the year, and leaf pick up has started. Please put your leaf piles in a strip and not a big pile.

Motion to hire Jeremiah Mullet at $15/hour pending drug test results was made by Retherford, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor. The council tabled the decision to proceed with a 2nd new hire until after Jeremiah is trained.

Brandon Hutchison, Gas Operator, stated back in August both of the CGI’s broke, and he was given permission to purchase one new one. He asked the council for permission to purchase a 2nd new CGI for $1,800 so the crew has a backup as this is what helps them determine gas leaks. Motion to purchase a 2nd CGI was made by Blake, 2nd by Marvel; all were in favor.

Office Update: Lee stated the Town newsletter is back to press. Krabbe & Lee will send out a mass mailing to all Town residents. The November newsletter will have a section that asks if you prefer the newsletter by email or paper monthly.

Old Business/New Business: Kleinbub would like to thank the Town, Police Department, and Fire Department for everyone’s hard work on Macy Beeson Day. Kleinbub also wanted to thank the Town’s utility crew for their hard work on central park before Pax’s event last month. Kleinbub also wanted to thank Kimley-Horn & CommonWealth for all their hard work on the Town’s upcoming projects.

Blake stated the new metal railing in front of Town Hall is set to be installed next week.

Being no further business to discuss, meeting was adjourned.
