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Town Minutes from 11/16/2023

Minutes from a Town meeting on 11/16/2023.

NOVEMBER 16, 2023

In attendance: Gary Shuck, Roger Fouse, Lindsey Washmuth, Brian Robertson, Chad Blake, and Teresa Retherford, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, Dax Norton, MS Consultant, and Evan McMullen, Town Attorney

7pm meeting called to order.

Blake addressed to public that Bozell resigned, need to have new election of officers for Town Council. Washmuth nominated Blake, 2nd by Robertson. No other nominations made. All in favor. Blake moves from Vice-President to President for remaining of year. Nominations need made for Vice-President now. Washmuth nominates Robertson, 2nd by Blake. No other nominations made. All in favor. Robertson moves to Vice-President. Blake nominates Teresa Retherford for secretary of Town Council, 2nd by Washmuth. No other nominations. All in favor. Retherford moves to council secretary.

Blake opens floor for public Comment:
Clay Parkison 9866W 400S spoke about 400S being fixed, especially holes.
Allicia West 514 S John St asked about park donations and donated flags for the park.
Lisa Johnson gave a presentation about the LKQ project.
Christmas Event Committee has a permit application request for Christmas in Lapel. Everything is on file with the town that is needed. Motion is made to approve the event permit by Fouse, 2nd by Robertson. All were in favor.
Clerk-Treasurer Report: Claims reviewed. All trash is through Best Way and sewage is through Waste Management, any way to have both through Best Way. John Nikoloff explained why it is done this way. Motion to approve the claim by Shuck, 2nd by Washmuth. All in favor.
December 9th Town Hall will be closed per Retherford.
Retherford is Deputy Clerk for the Town. Application for Utility Billing Clerk is posted on website.

There are no minutes ready at this time.

Unfinished business: No unfinished business

New business: State revolving fund for water project has to have a resolution for authorization of new council member to sign. Resolution 24-2023 establishes by resolution the position of Town Council president to sign or Vice-President, if President is absent. Motion for Resolution 24-2023 made by Shuck, 2nd by Washmuth. All in favor.

Invoice from Kimley Horn for street assessment. $19,500.00 for field assessment, update to database and L tap. Motion made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson. All in favor.

2 quotes for salt spreaders: First from Clark Truck Equipment $7,956.00 for a Buyers spreader and second from Mid State Truck Equipment $8,240.00 for a Boss spreader. John Nikoloff explained the difference between the two spreaders. Motion to approve equipment for $8,240.00 by Robertson, 2nd by Washmuth. All in favor.

Department of Reports: Chief Kelly Naselroad said numbers are still high and will continue to be high. Manny is at academy but will be back soon.

Planning Report: Robertson said planning reviewed application forms and information sheets, Oxsana wants to change things up. Blue church still has critters, no status updates.

Utilities: Walnut will be completed soon with Atlas. Robertson asked if Atlas has a timeline of when they are going to be done. Shuck said November 14th was when they were supposed to be done according to Rob. Evan McMullen will look into contract for performance previsions for unfinished dates. John Nickoloff hasn't heard anything about more water meters for Tuscany. Retherford will look into it. LED Lighting updates, will look into the grants on them.

Parks: Molly Bays appointed official School Board seat. Another seat became available. This will be tied in next month at the meeting.

Redevelopment: No new news

Office: No news at the office. Norton mentions we will need the resolution to add positions for Clerk. He also suggests having a benefits committee.

Blake says Dennis opened up position of Chief Deputy Clerk to Retherford, will now need a Utility Clerk, 2 months ahead of schedule. Will need to amend the salary ordinance, vote to create the Utility Clerk position for a grade 4. Motion to create the position of Utility Clerk for grade 4 was made by Robertson, 2nd by Blake. All in favor.

Shuck announced multiple positions are opened or will be opened for several boards. Anyone interested can submit a letter if they are interested.

Motion to adjourn made by Shuck, 2nd by Washmuth. All in favor.
