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Town to Receive $700,000 Grant for Water Project

This news article was posted 12/17/2020

Town to Receive $700,000 Grant for Water Project

Yesterday Town Council President Chad Blake received a call from the Office of Community and Rural Affairs informing him that the Town of Lapel has been awarded a $700,000.00 grant for our water project. Many thanks to Mike Kleinpeter of Kleinpeter Consulting, Jeremy Van Erman, Robert Bellucci and the staff of Commonwealth Engineering for their hard work, faith, and perseverance, in our journey to capture this grant. The OCRA grant is only one part of the funding for this project, the remaining three million plus dollars in funding will be procured from the Indiana Bond Bank. A BIG thank you to the community of Lapel who have supported our cause through your letters, phone calls and emails regarding our water. With the grant and the funding from the Indiana Bond Bank we will begin a project to revamp our water mains, improve our Ford Street Well and State Road 13 Well, and make enhancements to our treatment facility and tower. One final thank you to the Office of Community and Rural Affairs for awarding us the grant, we are excited about the project and the upcoming improvements to our water system.
