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Generated at 4/26/2024 03:17
  1. The owner or owners of land, or the subdivider, proposing to subdivide plat, or otherwise develop property within the jurisdictional area of the Commission, shall consult with the Director of Development or his designee and the Town Engineer prior to the preparation of the Concept Plan and prior to the submittal of the Concept Plan to the Advisory Plan Commission.
  2. The owner or developer shall submit a Concept Plan for the subdivision which shall show the manner in which the proposed subdivision is coordinated with the Comprehensive Plan and its provisions; specifically with relation to the requirements of the Official Thoroughfare Plan: school and recreation sites; shopping centers; community facilities; sanitation, water supply and drainage; and other developments, existing and proposed, in the vicinity provided, however, that no land shall be subdivided or otherwise developed unless adequate access to the land over improved streets or thoroughfares exist or will be provided by the subdivider, or if such land is considered by the Commission to be unsuitable for such use by reason of flooding or improper drainage, objectionable soils, earth and rock formations, topography, or any other feature harmful to the health and safety of possible residents and the community as a whole.
  3. Subdivision Control - The owner or developer shall also be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed development will meet the requirements of, and be in harmony with, the County Surveyor, Madison County Highway Department, Indiana Department of Natural Resources and Soil Conservation Service, Madison County Conservation District. Within a reasonable time after the submittal of the Concept Plan, the Commission shall study the Concept Plan and all supporting documents to determine if it conforms to the Comprehensive Plan.  Upon the continuance or rejection of the Concept Plan, the Secretary shall notify the applicant in writing what revisions, or further changes are needed for approval.  Upon the rejection of the Concept Plan, the Commission will not review the application until it is resubmitted, which cannot be done but once every two months.  Upon the approval of the Concept Plan, the Secretary shall notify the applicant in writing of the Commissions actions.  The applicant may then proceed to prepare his Application for Certificate of Plat Approval, and all supporting documents.