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BE IT ORDAINED by the Town of Lapel, Madison County, Indiana:

An ordinance annexing adjacent and contiguous property to the Town of Lapel, a municipal corporation, of Madison County, Indiana.

WHEREAS, Glenn Boone Farms, Inc., by Rita Brown, Phil Boone and Nora Brown, filed their Petition for annexation of real property adjacent and contiguous to the corporate limits of the Town of Lapel, which property is described hereinafter; and

WHEREAS, the Petition is property before the Town Board pursuant to Indiana Code 36-4-3-5.1; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of Lapel, as the Board of Trustees, finds the Petition in proper order and that the property sought to be annexed, by Glenn Boone Farms, Inc., by Rita Brown, Phil Boone, and Nora Brown, is adjacent and contiguous to the corporate boundaries of the municipal corporation of the Town of Lapel and that the Petition and all things comply with the above-referenced Indiana Code.


Section 1. That the following described real estate owned by Glen Boone Farms, Inc., by Rita Brown, Phil Boone, and Nora Brown, is adjacent and contiguous to the corporate limits of the Town of Lapel, Madison County, Indiana.

Section 2. That the following described real estate, to wit:

The East One-half of the East One-half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 19 North, Range 6 East, containing 40 acres more or less.

The West half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 19 North, Range 6 East. Containing 20 acres more or less.

Also the East two-thirds (2/3) of the North half of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 34 being more particularly described as follows: Begin at the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 34 and run thence West 111 rods 6 1/2 feet, South 80 rods, East 111 rods 6 1/2 feet, North 80 rods to the place of beginning, except the East half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, leaving after said exception 36 acres more or less.

EXCEPTING any portion of the property that is in the name of Philip D. Boone, individually.

Including all county roads and right of ways adjoining the above described parcel.

Be and is annexed into the Town of Lapel, Madison County, Indiana.

Section 3. Be it further ordained that the annexed property shall qualify pursuant to Indiana Code 36-4-3-4.1(b) which reads as follows:

 "Territory annexed under this section is exempt from all property tax liability under Indiana Code 6-1.1 for municipal purposes for all portions of the annexed territory that are classified for zoning purposes as agricultural and remain exempt from the property tax liability while the property zoning classification remains agricultural. However, if the annexation ordinance annexing the territory is adopted after June 30, 2006, the property tax liability under Indiana Code 6-1.1 for municipal purposes may be exempted for a period of not more than ten (10) years."

Section 4. Be it further ordained that the ordinance, upon adoption, shall be published as prescribed by Indiana Code 5-3-4 and it shall take effect as provided in Indiana Code 36-4-3-7 and a certified copy of the ordinance shall be recorded in the office of the County Auditor of Madison County, Indiana, the Clerk of the Circuit Court; and the Board of Voter Registration in Madison County; and the Madison County Recorder's Office.

Read and Adopted this 20th Day of March, 2008.

Further Information

Date Passed: 3/20/2008