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BE IT ORDAINED by the Town of Lapel, Madison County, Indiana:

WHEREAS, the Town of Lapel, Indiana, adopts an ordinance regulating the weight limit of all and any truck or heavy equipment on the main thoroughfare of the Town of Lapel, known as Main Street.

WHEREAS, the Town of Lapel, Indiana, adopts the following provisions as to an ordinance effectuating such truck and heavy equipment weight limits to prohibit the travel on the common thoroughfare of the Town of Lapel, known as Main Street:

  1. No truck with the capacity of a “gross vehicle weight” (GVW) in excess of twenty-six thousand pounds (26,000lbs)
  2. No semi-trucks and/or trailers;
  3. No heavy equipment, tractors, or construction equipment with a GVW over twenty-six thousand pounds (26,000 lbs) or the capacity to haul in excess of a GVW of twenty-six thousand pounds (26,000 lbs);

WHEREAS, the Town of Lapel, Indiana, does adopt the following exceptions to the above referenced weight limits and restrictions:

  1. Farm and grain trucks and equipment delivering to the local elevator(s);
  2. Local deliveries to any and all merchants located on Main Street;
  3. Any truck deliveries which necessitate travel on Main Street such deliveries subject to verification;
  4. All public safety vehicles

Deliveries to Owens-Brockway Glass Containers, Inc., are not considered an exception.

Any local law enforcement officer is assigned the authority to determine any valid exception as referenced above.

WHEREAS, the Town of Lapel, Indiana, hereby establishes a fine of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for the first occurrence and Tow Hundred Fifty ($250) for the second occurrence.

BE IT ORDAINED, by the Town of Lapel, Madison County, Indiana, that the above provisions, including exceptions, as to the vehicle and weight restriction to be imposed on the main thoroughfare of the Town of Lapel, Main Street, within the town limits of the Town of Lapel are hereby established and adopted this date.

Read and adopted this 10th day of December 2018

Further Information

Date Passed: 12/10/2018