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Ordinance to Create the Position of Town Manager for the Town of Lapel, Indiana

Whereas, the Town Council of the Town of Lapel, Indiana wishes to create an  ordinance that shall create the position of Town Manager for the Town of Lapel and shall be empowered by the applicable Indiana statutes; 

Whereas, the office of Town Manager shall be filled by an individual who is chosen by the voting members of the Town Council;

Whereas, the Town of Lapel is empowered to create this position by Indiana Code 36-5-5-1;

Whereas, the Town Manager meet all duties and responsibilities as prescribed and found within IC 36-5-5-8 (effective July 1, 2017), as well as or in conjunction:

  • Oversee the day-to-day operations of the Town of Lapel, including but not limited to hiring personnel, managing services, managing all departments and department heads, outside of the office of the Clerk-Treasurer who shall oversee their own office according to Indiana Law;
  • Develop and implement an organizational strategy that meets the goals and objectives of the Town Council;
  • Communicate and interact with other local, State and Federal agencies that are responsible for providing services to the Town of Lapel;
  • Aid and advise to the Town Council in matters of policy and other areas related to Town operations;
  • Administer and manage the Town’s personnel including but not limited to recruitment and hiring, employee discipline and terminations, and employee relations;
  • Formulate and execute public information and community relations programs to advise citizens regarding town issues and activities, and to assure citizens that their interests in town policies and procedures are respected and protected;
  • Represent the Town of Lapel at public meetings, conventions and other functions as requested or permitted by the Town Council;
  • Report directly to the Town Executive, the Town Council President, on a daily basis, outside of regular reports to all Town Council Members;
  • Perform any and all other tasks and duties either contractually agreed to, or directed by the Town Council;

Whereas, the Town Manager shall be an at-will employee, serve at the pleasure of the legislative body, and be directly accountable to the Town Council and the Town Council shall have the right to terminate the Town Manager at any time, without cause.

Whereas, the Town Manager’s employment contract shall be a defined tenure not to exceed the longest remaining term in office of a member of the legislative body;

Whereas, in accordance with IC 36-5-5-5, the Town Manager must, in the manner prescribed by IC 5-4-1, execute a bond for the faithful performance of the manager’s duties;

Whereas, the Town Manager shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Council and will have the power and duty to carry out all duties and responsibilities specified by this Ordinance and by applicable Indiana law.

Whereas, the Town Council shall conduct an interview process, take applications from all willing applications, and interview those they deem fit and qualified for the job before the job is awarded to any individual. This application and interview process shall last for no less than fourteen days. If the interview process does not yield any candidates that obtains the necessary majority vote between all voting members of the Town Council, the interview process shall remain open until a candidate is found. The position of Town Manager is not required and may remain open and unfilled for an indefinite period of time.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Lapel that this ordinance has been passed and shall take immediate effect upon its passage.

PASSED AND ADOPTED the 16th day of February, 2023, by the Town Council of the Town of Lapel, Madison County, Indiana.