CH13 13 .4 - Creation of Special Funds

Resolution 1998-14 passed 9/17/98
Limb removal not to exceed a pile of six feet tall times six feet wide and times six feet deep with limbs four inch in diameter or smaller to be processed by the town  chipper, shall be placed street side by 7:00 a.m. on the regular scheduled pick-up day.  Residents will be charged for brush exceeding the above described limit. If residents require removal before regular monthly date, they may contact the town hall and will be billed for the service.  Exceptions will be made for storm debris pick-up.  A minimum fee of $5.00 with a $1.00 per minute charge for extra pick-up service.

1996-1 passed 3/19/96
Fee established for copies of public documents at $.25 per page.  For documents in excess of 25 pages, the Town shall have authority to present such document for professional copying.  Individual or public requesting materials shall pay for such copies.

Reso 7-1995 passed 4/18/95
Cumulative Firefighting Building and Equipment Fund A established by a fund levy not to exceed $ .10 per $100 of assessed valuation. 

9-1990 passed 1/02/91
Cash reserve fund created for the Lapel Water and Sewer Companies for the purpose of providing monthly contributions or transfers to cash reserve fund of surplus earnings and in payment in lieu of taxes.

5-1991 passed 2/27/91
"Ambulance Replacement  Fund" established for the purpose of purchasing new ambulances as from time to time may be necessary and warranted.  Fifty dollars of each ambulance service fee including the ambulance fee charged to firemen, EMT personnel and their immediate families is hereby allocated to the Ambulance Replacement Fund.  The purpose of expenditures from this fund shall be only for the purchase of ambulances and the replacement of existing ambulances.  This fund shall be considered perpetual until terminated by further ordinance and any fund balance remaining  on eventual termination of these fund shall revert to the Cumulative Fire Fund or any fund as may be subsequently created by ordinance for uses by the Lapel Ambulance Service and/or Lapel Fire Department.

2-1984 passed 6/13/84
A cumulative sinking fund for the purchase of fire fighting equipment for the Fire Department of the Town of Lapel is hereby established, and there shall be levied by said Town for five years after approval of said cumulative sinking fund by the State Board of Tax Commissioners, a tax on all taxable property in the Town of Lapel, provided that said tax shall not exceed ten cents on each One Hundred Dollars valuation of taxable property located in the Town of Lapel.  Said tax upon collection shall be deposited in a public depository, and shall be held in a special fund known as the "Fire Equipment Fund", and shall be used for no purpose other than the purchase and obtaining of fire fighting equipment for the Fire Department of the Town of Lapel.

3-1989 passed 5/10/89
A cumulative sinking fund for the purchase of fire fighting equipment for the Fire Department of the Town of Lapel is hereby established, and there shall be levied by said Town for five years after approval of said cumulative sinking fund by the State Board of Tax Commissioners, a tax on all taxable property in the Town of Lapel, provided that said tax shall not exceed ten cents on each One Hundred Dollars valuation of taxable property located in the Town of Lapel.  Said tax upon collection shall be deposited in a public depository, and shall be held in a special fund known as the "Fire Equipment Fund", and shall be used for no purpose other than the purchase and obtaining of fire fighting equipment for the Fire Department of the Town of Lapel.

1-2005 passed 1/6/2005
Whereas, Indiana Code 36-9-16-1 allows municipalities to establish and continue a Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund, and whereas, the Town of Lapel, Lapel Town Council finds that such a fund is necessary and prudent for the financial well being of the municipality; Now therefore, be it ordained by the Lapel Town Council of the Town of Lapel - Section 1, that there is here reestablished the Town of Lapel Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund, Section 2. that an ad valorem property tax levy will be imposed and the revenue from the levy will be retained in the Town of Lapel Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund.  Section 3.  That the maximum rate of levy under Section2 will not exceed $0.03 per $100 of Assessed Valuation.  Section 4.  That the Town of Lapel Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund is re-established until 2014.  Section 5.  That the funds accumulated in the Town of Lapel Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund could be used for purposes disclosed in Indiana Code 36-9-16-2 and Indiana Code 36-9-16-3.  Section 6.  Funds accumulated in the Town of Lapel Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund may be spent for purposes other than the purposes stated in Section 5 if the purpose is to protect the public health, welfare or safety in an emergency situation which demands immediate action.  Money may be spent under the authority of this section only after the Lapel Town Council issues a declaration that the public health, welfare or safety is in immediate danger that requires the expenditure of money in the fund.  Section 7.  This re-establishment takes effect retroactively to December 31, 2004, and upon approval of the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance.
11-2001 passed 10/18/2001 
A Public Record Copy Request will now be required to be filed, by any individual or entity requesting a copy of public records kept by the Town of Lapel, that all records requested, shall be requested in writing.  At the option of the requestor, the name, daytime telephone number, and address shall be supplied on the Public Record Copy Request as attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance. There shall be a twenty five cent ($.25) per page charge for all copies made.

8-2004 passed DATE?????? 
An ordinance authorized the acquisition and construction by the town of Lapel, Indiana, or certain improvements and extension to the sewage works of the town, the issuance and sale of revenue bonds to provide funds for the payment of the costs thereof, the issuance and sale of bond anticipation notes in anticipation  of the issuance and sale of such bonds, and the collection, segregation and distribution of the revenues of such sewage works and other related matters.

9-2005 passed DATE????? 
An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition and construction by the Town of Lapel, Indiana, of certain improvements and extensions to the sewage works of the town, the issuance and sale of revenue bonds to provide funds for the payment of the costs thereof, the issuance and sale of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of such bonds, and the collection, segregation and distribution of the revenues of such sewage works and other related matters.

8-2000 passed DATE?????
The Lapel Town Council desires to purchase a new 2000 model year Ford Police Car through the Indiana state bid process.  To accomplish this there is a need to borrow $13,800 on a Loan in Anticipation of Future Revenue.  The loan will mature December 31, 20-01.  The monthly payments will begin in January, 2000 in the amount of $575.  The loan proceeds will come from the Gas Cash Reserve Fund.  The interest rate on the loan will be zero.  


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