- On 2/25/2021
- In Town of Lapel
Special Planning Meeting
Call to order
Abor Homes/Hallmark Homes housing addition
New business/old business
YOU ARE HEREBY notified there will be a Special Meeting of the Lapel Planning Commission held at the Lapel Eagles, 110 E 9th Street, Lapel, Indiana on the 25th day of February, 2021 at 6:30pm. Due to COVID-19 restrictions this meeting will be held virtually, and in person.
It is the policy of the Town of Lapel that all public meetings and events comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and are accessible to people with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities, as defined under the ADA, who may need auxiliary aids, services or special modifications to participate in a public meeting or event should contact the office of the Clerk/Treasurer of the Town of Lapel, Indiana as soon as possible, but no less than 48 hours before the scheduled event.
/s/ Gary Shuck
Gary Shuck, Planning Commission President