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Town Minutes from 10/14/2021

Minutes from a Town meeting on 10/14/2021.

Lapel Planning Commission

October 14, 2021 @ 6:30pm

Lapel Eagles

In person attendance was Angie Callaway, Teresa Retherford, Paula Lee, Dan Paddock, Matt Wood, Jeff Keith, Kourtney Krabbe, and Town Attorney Shanna Kelly. Attending virtually was Planning Director Corrie Meyer. The public could attend tonight’s meeting either in person at the Lapel Eagles, or virtually using the GoTo Meeting link posted on the Town’s Facebook page.

Lee opened tonight’s meeting asking if anyone in person or online had any public comment for items not on tonight’s agenda. Rebecca Beach at 414 E 9th Street asked the Planning Commission for permission to move her shed into the alley so that it is on higher ground to reduce flooding. Beach stated she has already talked with neighbor Amy Gwinn who was okay with the shed being moved. Beach stated the alley does not get used, and provided pictures to the board. Planning Commission stated the alley does not look like a dedicated alley, or usable as a tree is growing in the middle of it. It was also stated that just because it may not be a useable alley, it does still serve as a utility easement. Beach stated the shed would not be a permanent structure, and could be used in case of an emergency. A motion to allow Rebecca Beach to move her shed pending that she signs a utility easement waiver was made by Paddock, 2nd by Retherford; all voted yes.

No further public comment was made.

Meeting Minutes: A motion to accept September 9th meeting minutes was made by Retherford, 2nd by Wood; all voted yes.

Building Permits: A motion to approve permits 2618-2629 was made by Wood, 2nd by Callaway; all voted yes.

Derek & Stephanie Evelo came to tonight’s meeting with questions regarding the zoning codes for their potential permanent sign at the Lodge on Main. The board stated they needed to submit the application for the permanent sign with dimensions and location, and that they would need to refer to C2 zoning codes to make sure proper setbacks and sight visibility standards are being met. If their sign does not meet the setbacks, or sight visibility standards, the Evelo’s will need to apply for a variance through the BZA.  In the meantime they can ask for an extension on their temporary sign. A motion to grant a 30 day extension on the temporary sign at the Lodge on Main was made by Keith, 2nd by Paddock. Voting yes was Retherford, Lee, Paddock, Wood, & Keith; Callaway abstained.

Planning Commission Subcommittee: Discussion was held on the potential changes to the building permit fee schedule. Callaway, Wood, & Krabbe have been working the last few months on simplifying the fee schedule. They took into consideration both a town that is slightly smaller, and a town that is slightly bigger than Lapel when adjusting these fees. A public hearing will be had on fee schedule at the November meeting. If the fee schedule passes, it will then be passed onto the Lapel Town Council for approval. If the Council also approves the fees will become effective starting January 1, 2022.

Innovative Planning: Planning Director Corrie Meyer presented a draft schedule of the 2022 Plan Commission Submission & Meeting Dates. If approved this schedule would be released to the public, and become the standards for next year’s meeting. This schedule would make petitioners have a filing deadline of 10 days before that month’s meeting. The staff would then have 8 days to review any comments. All comments must be returned to the petitioner & Planning Commission within 2 days before the meeting. The schedule then gives the Planning Commission meeting date, & Lapel Town Council meeting date for that particular month. This schedule is to prevent things from being turned in last minute, and will allow for the meetings to run smoothly. A motion to adopt the 2022 Plan Commission Submission & Meeting Dates was made by Retherford, 2nd by Wood; all voted yes.

Meyer also stated with this new schedule she believes it would be a good idea to have a special meeting within the next month for “planning commission training”. Topics covered during the meeting would include Lapel zoning codes, planning commission duties, available petitions, & any of questions the board may have. Krabbe will send out an email to all the members tomorrow with possible meeting dates.

The November meeting was rescheduled to November 17, 2021 @ 6:30pm at the Lapel Eagles.

New Business/Old Business: Retherford stated she talked to Town Council member Lindsay Washmuth about the empty lots at Montgomery Farms. Washmuth spoke to Adam Braun who stated he will have someone meet Retherford & Mike Daniels at Montgomery Farms tomorrow at 11am to discuss exactly what needs to be taken care of. Retherford also stated that she spoke to Utility Superintendent Mary Armacost, and Armacost agreed to let Daniels start helping Retherford with Code Enforcement Compliance.

Being nothing further to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.
