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Town Minutes from 12/16/2021

Minutes from a Town meeting on 12/16/2021.

Lapel Town Council

December 16, 2021 @ 7:00pm

Virtual Meeting

In attendance was Chad Blake, Tom Marvel, Lindsay Washmuth, Jason Kleinbub, Teresa Retherford, Paula Lee, Kourtney Krabbe, and Town Attorney Jeff Graham. The meeting was held 100% virtual due to a recent COVID exposure at the Lapel Town Hall. The public could attend tonight’s meeting using the GoTo Meeting link on the Town of Lapel Facebook page.

Blake opened the meeting to public comment for any items that were not on the meeting agenda. There was no comment made.

COVID Exposure: On December 12, 2021 a declaration of local emergency was set forth due to positive COVID test or tests of Lapel Town employees. The order was set to expire after 7 (seven) days. Due to another recent positive test, the Lapel Town Council has decided to extend the local emergency. A motion to extend the declaration of local emergency indefinitely was made by Marvel, 2nd by Retherford; all voted yes.

Kimley-Horn: Drew Wolfred spoke on the current CCMG project, and the plan for 2022. A motion to accept the agreement for professional consulting services: CCMG Program Support for 2022 was made by Marvel, 2nd by Blake; all voted yes.

Ordinance 19-2021, which is an amendment to the current permit fee schedule, was introduced at last month’s meeting. A motion to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance 19-2021 was made by Marvel, 2nd by Kleinbub; all voted yes.

Ordinance 20-2021: An Ordinance of the Lapel Town Council adopting primary elections as the methodology for nomination of the major party candidates for the town offices. A motion to accept Ordinance 20-2021 was made by Marvel, 2nd by Washmuth; all voted yes.

A motion to suspend the 2nd & 3rd readings of Ordinance 20-2021 was made by Marvel, 2nd by Retherford; all voted yes.

A motion to adopt Ordinance 20-2021 was made by Retherford, 2nd by Blake; all voted yes.

SRF Loan Program Signatory Authorization Resolution: A motion to adopt the resolution & authorize Paula Lee has the signatory was made by Blake, 2nd by Retherford; all voted yes.

A motion to approve Resolution 15-2021 which allows the transfer of funds between funds, was made by Blake, 2nd by Kleinbub; all voted yes.

A motion to approve Resolution 16-2021 which allows the transfer of funds from dormant accounts to the general fund, was made by Kleinbub, 2nd by Blake; all voted yes.

A motion to approve Resolution 17-2021 which allows the transfer from the dormant sewer customer deposit savings account to the sewer customer deposit checking accounts was made by Marvel, 2nd by Kleinbub; all voted yes.

A motion to approve Resolution 18-2021 which allows the transfer from the dormant water meter customer deposit savings account to the water meter customer deposit checking account was made by Kleinbub, 2nd by Washmuth; all voted yes.

A motion to approve Resolution 19-2021 which allows the transfer from the dormant gas meter customer deposit savings account to the gas meter customer deposits checking account was made by Retherford, 2nd by Blake; all voted yes.

Salary Ordinance: The salary ordinance was voted on in four different sections; utility department, police department, office staff, and elected positions.

A motion to allow a 3% raise to all utility department employees was made by Kleinbub, 2nd by Blake; all voted yes.

Chief Naselroad provided the Town Council with his administrative salary recommendation for his department. Chief $56,500, Captain $48,000, 1st Class Patrolman $42,500. Blake recommended moving the captain to $49,500 so he was split in the middle of the Chief & 1st class patrolman. A motion to approve the Police Department salaries as presented & adjusted was made by Blake, 2nd by Kleinbub; all voted yes.

Paula Lee recommends a $1.00 increase for Krabbe. A motion to accept Lee’s recommendation for Krabbe was made by Marvel, 2nd by Blake; all voted yes except Kleinbub who abstained.

A motion to allow a 3% raise for Chief Deputy Clerk Treasurer was made by Marvel, 2nd by Blake; all voted yes.

A motion to have the Town Council salary remain the same in 2022 as it is in 2021 was made by Kleinbub, 2nd by Retherford; all voted yes except Marvel who abstained.

A motion to have the Clerk Treasurer’s salary remain the same in 2022 as it is in 2021 was made by Retherford, 2nd by Kleinbub; all voted yes except Marvel who abstained.

Lee presented 11 (eleven) utility accounts to the Town Council that need to be sent to collections for non-payment. A motion to send the accounts presented to collection was made by Retherford, 2nd by Marvel; all voted yes.

A motion to approve the December Docket Claims was made by Blake, 2nd by Kleinbub; all voted yes.

Ordinance 21-2021: Take Home Vehicle Policy for the Police Department. A motion to adopt Ordinance 21-2021 was made by Kleinbub, 2nd by Retherford; all voted yes.

Chief Naselroad provided the council with a quote for body cameras, and a brief discussion was held. A motion to approve Motorola quote for body cameras & accessories was made by Blake, 2nd by Kleinbub; all voted yes.

Kleinbub thanked Marvel for his service and dedication to the Town. Kleinbub left meeting at 8:03pm.

Gas Operator Brandon Hutchison provided the Town Council with a quote from USDI for a GIS Proposal. A motion to accept the USDI GIS Proposal was made by Marvel, 2nd by Retherford; all voted yes.

Secondly Hutchison provided the Town Council with a quote from Best Equipment for a new vac truck for $390,607.75. A brief discussion was held, but no decision was made or voted on.

Katie Hutchison of the Lapel Park Board informed the Council that they will be needing a new member in 2022. The position has to be appointed by the Lapel Town Council so if anyone is interested, please provide your information to Lapel Town Hall by January 17, 2022.

Marvel expressed his gratitude, and gave his final good byes as this was his last meeting as a Lapel Town Council Member.

Being nothing further to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.
