- On 5/18/2023
- In Town
MAY 18 2023
In attendance: Noah Bozell, Chad Blake, Brian Robertson, Lindsay Washmuth, Dax Norton, MS Consultants, Paula Lee, and Evan McMullen, Town Attorney.
7pm meeting called to order.
Motion to amend agenda to add Public Hearing for Resolution #13-2023 made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor. Line item was not on printed agenda.
Motion to approve Parks and Thoroughfare Plan as presented by Kimley Horn made by Robertson, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.
Floor opened for Public Comment: Dave Whitmoyer 9804 W 400 S asked about patching on 400 S. Blake explained that 400 S is still on list of roads for paving/patching.
Mike Rusche 9230 Briar Drive, school board member, presented concerns on school crossing on 300 S.
Being no further comment public comment was closed.
Trash bids were opened: 1st bid was from Rumpke, Rumpke presented no bid.
The 2nd bid opened was from Waste Management, 3yr/5yr proposal. 3 year with each home being $18.55 first year, $19.48 2nd year, and $20.45 3rd year. 5 year with each home being $17.98 first year, $18.88 second year, $19.82 3rd year, $20.81 4th year, and $21.85 5th year.
Bids were tabled until May 22 meeting.
7:19pm Bozell paused regular meeting and opened a Public Hearing for Resolution #9-2023, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS $10,930.02 from ARPA to Planning Workshop to pay for the expense of Planning Consulting. Being no comment from the public the hearing was closed at 7:20pm.
Motion to approve Resolution #9-2023 made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson, voting “NO”, Bozell and Washmuth, voting “YES”, Bozell and Blake. Motion dies.
7:21pm Bozell paused regular meeting and opened a Public Hearing for Resolution #10-2023, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS $1838.21 from ARPA to pay for the expense of Lapel Town Parks and Recreation Plan from Kimley Horn. Being no comment or questions from the public the hearing was closed at 7:22pm.
Motion to approve Resolution #10-2023 made by Robertson, 2nd by Bozell and all were in favor.
7:22 pm Bozell paused regular meeting and opened a Public Hearing for Resolution #11-2023, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS $1200.00 from Cascadden Fund to pay for the expense of new American Flags. Being no comment or questions from the public the hearing was closed at 7:23pm
Motion to approve Resolution #11-2023 made by Washmuth, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
7:23pm Bozell paused regular meeting and opened a Public Hearing for Resolution #12-2023 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS $8,806.49 from ARPA to Innovative Planning to pay for the expense of Planning Consulting. After a brief discussion the public hearing was closed at 7:24pm. No motion was made.
7:26pm Bozell paused regular meeting and opened a Public Hearing for Resolution #13-2023 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS $12,500.00 from Police Vehicle Replacement Fund to pay for the expense of up fitting the new police vehicle. Being no comment or questions from the public the hearing was closed at 7:27pm.
Motion to approve Resolution #13-2023 made by Blake, 2nd Robertson and all were in favor.
Ordinance #3-2023 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LAPEL, MADISON COUNTY, INDIANA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONE MAP AS TO CERTAIN REAL ESTATE WITHIN THE TOWN OF LAPEL, INDIANA AS HEREIN DESCRIBED. Rezone Weihe Construction from AG to General Commercial Oksana Polhuy spoke to the Council regarding the rezone issue with previous planning consultant. Property would be better served to be zoned General Industrial. Discussion was held and Council felt property would be better served as General Industrial.
Bozell entertained a motion to pass Ordinance #3-2023…no one made the motion.
Motion to send Ordinance #3-2023 back to Planning Commission for change to General Industrial made by Robertson, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.
Motion to cover cost of adverting for Weihe Rezone made by Robertson, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.
7:42pm Bozell paused the regular meeting to open a Public Hearing for Ordinance #4-2023 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A CUMULATIVE CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND PURSUANT TO INDIANA CODE 36-9-15.15. Being no comments or questions from the public the hearing was closed at 7:43pm.
Motion to approve Ordinance #4-2023 made by Washmuth, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
Motion to approve Ordinance #4-2023 to suspend the rules and pass on the first reading made by Washmuth, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
Motion to approve the claims as presented made by Bozell, 2nd by Washmuth, voting “YES”, Bozell, Robertson and Washmuth, abstain Blake.
Motion to approve April 20 minutes made by Blake, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.
Motion to approve April 26 minutes made by Blake, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.
Discussion was held on the possible sale of the Gas Utility. Dax Norton spoke on process of how sale would work and steps involved.
Motion for the Council to take executive steps to sign letter of intent, non-binding, for exploratory process made by Washmuth, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
Motion to commit $10,000.00 from Cascadden Fund to purchase of commercial grade holiday décor/Christmas lights made by Blake, 2nd by Bozell and all were in favor. Town to work with LCA in purchasing and installing lights during holiday season.
335 W 6th Street sidewalk discussed, sidewalk in poor shape, rebar coming out of concrete. Nikoloff to have utility crew repair that section of sidewalk.
Park Update-request for 4 picnic tables for shelters at park, Mike Daniels to get prices and return at next meeting.
Planning Update-Robertson reported that permits have been issued for Tuscany and regular business was conducted.
Motion to ratify Officer Porter’s Agreement with the Town made by Blake, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.
Council to meet in Special Session May 22, 2023 at 6pm at Town Hall.
Being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned.