- On 6/15/2023
- In Town
JUNE 15, 2023
In attendance: Noah Bozell, Chad Blake, Brian Robertson, Lindsay Washmuth, Gary Shuck, Paula Lee, Dax Norton, and Evan McMullen, Town Attorney.
7pm meeting called to order.
Motion to approve claims as presented made by Robertson, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.
Floor was opened for public comment: Ken De La Bastide asked Council to close School Street July 8 for the Village Fair Car Show 9am to 3pm. Town to provide barricades.
Motion to approve closure of School Street 9am to 3pm July 8 made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
Rob Bellucci from Commonwealth Engineers gave a water improvement project update to the Council. Division A plant work Thieneman is in a good spot. Yesterday Rob met with Division B contractors Atlas and Sega. Contractors wondered why last pay app was shorted. Two claims in questions 1. Walnut Street $9187.50 Culy called in on Thanksgiving for repair of hit line by Atlas/Sega. Contractor has agreed to reimburse Town for that amount. 2. Erie Street $19,000.00 agreement has been made to split the cost with Town paying $9500.00 and Atlas/Sega paying $9500.00. Bellucci to send email to confirm payment from Atlas.
Motion to accept agreement from Atlas to pay $9500.00 ½ cost Culy Invoice 6105 of Erie Street project made by Blake, 2nd by Bozell and all were in favor.
Motion to approve Pay App #10 $ contingent upon receipt of funds, release of balance made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor. Not to submit payment to SRF until funds received from Atlas.
Bellucci said updated schedules from contractors are coming and will be submitted to Town. Schedule requested for Erie first. Update given on contaminated soil Atlas pay app to be adjusted, final number came in at $231,000.00 supplemental money from SRF. No vote for this meeting will be presented for July meeting.
Angie Jones representing the Optimist Club spoke on the 5K run for Village Fair. Requesting street closures 825 into Town, 32 & 900, T roads Vine and Conrad, 11th, 10th and 9th. 45 minute to 1 hour expected closure. 8am start time 10am finish time.
Norton brought up contract to hold Town harmless and waiver of liability from Optimist Club, McMullen to draft.
Motion to approve closures contingent on police department approval and legal department contract made by Blake, 2nd by Bozell and all were in favor.
Planning Update-Weihe Rezone was approved and passed favorably onto Council. Street lights and mail boxes are all approved for Tuscany. Montgomery Farms HOA in question, Oksana stated building inspector can approve permits.
Utility Update- Splash Pad up and running, community service outreach project successful. 300 & 132 easement has been cleaned. Homeowner upset that he states wrong area was cleaned out by Town. McMullen to investigate, Town to not proceed with cleaning out any more of drainage ditch until McMullen reports back to Town.
Admin Update- Dax Norton to hold workshop meeting with Council and formulate a “to do” list of items for processing and discuss the upcoming 2024 budget, capital improvement process and street closure process.
Clerk Treasurer Report-Retherford and Lee out of office 25th thru 29th for conference in Fort Wayne. Norton suggested AIM summit in August attendance from Council would be beneficial and encourage Council to attend. Robertson volunteered to attend August conference.
7:47pm Bozell paused regular meeting to open a Public Hearing for Resolution #16-2023 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS $3750.00 from ARPA for the expense of the Flock Camera.
Being no comment or questions from the public Bozell closed the Public Hearing at 7:48pm.
Motion to approve Resolution #16-2023 made by Blake, 2nd by Bozell and all were in favor.
7:48pm Bozell paused regular meeting to open a Public Hearing for Resolution #17-2023 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS $6000.00 from ARPA for the expense of Reedy Financial Reporting ARPA Reporting. Being no comment or questions from the public Bozell closed the Public Hearing at 7:48pm.
Motion to approve Resolution #17-2023 made by Shuck, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
7:53pm Bozell paused regular meeting to open a Public Hearing for Resolution #18-2023 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL APPROPIRATION $10,000.00 from Cascadden Fund for the expense of donation to the Lapel Community Association for Christmas Decorations. Being no comment or questions from the public Bozell closed the Public Hearing at 7:55pm.
Motion to approve Resolution 18-2023 made by Washmuth, 2nd by Bozell voting “YES”, Washmuth, Bozell, Robertson and Blake, Shuck abstained.
7:56pm Bozell paused regular meeting to open a Public Hearing for Resolution #19-2023 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION $5608.28 from ARPA for the expense of Kimley Horn engineering fees for the 2022 Lapel Street Repair Project. Being no comment or questions from the public Bozell closed the Public Hearing at 7:56pm.
Motion to approve Resolution #19-2023 made by Blake, 2nd by Bozell and all were in favor.
Weihe Rezone Ordinance #3-2023 a rezone from AG to General Industrial. Rezone comes to Council with a favorable recommendation from Planning Commission.
Motion to approve Ordinance #3-2023 which is amending the zoning map to General Industrial made by Bozell, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
Motion to suspend rules and pass Ordinance #3-2023 on first reading made by Bozell, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
Trash Bids-only one bid submitted from Best Way Disposal, 878 units, 5 year contract, with the following pricing, Year 1 $17.79 a month, Year 2 $18.68 a month, Year 3 $19.62 a month, Year 4 $20.60 a month and Year 5 $21.63 a month.
There will be a gap in service between Waste Management contract ends and Best Way contract begins. Call will be made to Best Way to discuss delivery of dumpster for gap time.
Motion to approve Best Way proposal made by Bozell, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.
Update given on 2022 Street Repair Project. Change Order for an over run of additional asphalt patching completed on W 300 S. This change order does not impact the original contract times. Paving project is to come in under budget which will offset change order.
Motion to approve Change Order #1 Town of Lapel 2022 Street Repair Project increase of $5823.25 made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
Motion to approve Midwest Pay App #2 for $2716.20 made by Shuck, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
Motion to approve Midwest Pay App #3 for $8807.52 made by Robertson, 2nd by Shuck and all were in favor.
Quote from Sutton Tree Service presented to Council for removal of trees at 7th & Woodward $600.00, 7th and Main $500.00, 10th and Ford $600.00 total to be billed for removal and clean up $1700.00. All trees are Town trees.
Motion to approve quote for tree removal from Sutton Tree Service made by Bozell, 2nd by Blake and all were in favor.
Proposal presented from SCA for sweeping of streets for Village Fair Friday and Saturday night July 7th and 8th. Discussion held on the possibility of hiring them long term for street sweeping, contract would be required. Sweeping of streets for Village Fair approved, Council to consider full time contract once received.
Kimley Horn handles PASER report and Pavement Management Plan, Lee asking permission from Council for approval to contact Kimley Horn for Pavement Management Plan proposal.
Motion to approve request from Kimley Horn for Pavement Management Plan made by Washmuth, 2nd by Bozell and all were in favor.
Sterling Boles and John Willis from Lapel High School came before the Council regarding a School Resource Officer position. School is applying for grant to help fund position. Council has to approve position before school can get grant. Grant is a one year grant to be applied for each year. Norton and Blake worked on 2024 budget to ascertain if Town would be able to fund project. Tentative approval from LRC to fund equipment for SRO.
School Board approved job description last month for new SRO position, has to come from policing powers of Town of Lapel or Madison County Sheriff. Would not be employee of school would be employee of Town. 2 year MOU for SRO would need to be negotiated with price and invoicing. Requesting permission to enter into 2 year MOU in order to move forward with SRO process.
Town has to create position within salary ordinance and open up hiring process for academy graduate.
Motion to create SRO position within the Town of Lapel made by Bozell, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.
Board of Zoning Appeals is short a member, Cam Paddock has expressed interest in sitting on the BZA.
Motion to appoint Cam Paddock to the Board of Zoning Appeals made by Bozell, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
Being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned.