- On 8/17/2023
- In Town
AUGUST 17 2023
In attendance: Noah Bozell, Brian Robertson, Chad Blake, Lindsay Washmuth, Gary Shuck, Dax Norton, Oksana Polhuy, Paula Lee and Evan McMullen, Town Attorney.
7pm meeting called to order.
Motion to amend the current agenda to remove item 7B made by Washmuth, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
Floor was opened for Public Comment for items not on the agenda-Greg Valentine 5297 S 800 W came to the podium to address Council regarding the zoning of the Wilson land. Bozell asked Valentine to hold his comments as the rezone would be addressed later in the meeting.
Rob Bellucci from Commonwealth Engineering gave an update on the water project and Pay Applications 11 & 12. Atlas is back in town starting today, plans have been made to streamline the process moving forward, Step 1 outline areas for locates, Step 2 review areas marked and make sure they are consistent. Equipment should be in town next week for tie ins and testing. Pendleton Avenue focused on first. Pay Applications 11 & 12 are to close out the OCRA funds for this project.
Motion to approve and pay Atlas Pay Application #11 in the amount of $219, 523.88 made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
Motion to approve and pay Atlas Pay Application #12 in the amount of $66,386.51 made by Robertson, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.
7:12pm Bozell paused the regular meeting to open a Public Hearing for Resolution #20-2023 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS $162,557.82 from ARPA to pay for the expense of Kimley Horn services 2022 Street Repair Project $3650.00, Kimley Horn services CCMG 2022 $10,258.91, and Midwest Paving Pay Application #4 $148,648.91. Being no questions or comments from the public Bozell resumed the regular meeting at 7:13pm.
Motion to approve Resolution #20-2023 made by Shuck, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.
7:14pm Bozell paused the regular meeting to open a Public Hearing for Resolution 21-2023 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS $11,523.72 from Motor Vehicle Highway Restricted to pay for the expense of Midwest Paving Pay Application #2 2022 Street Repairs $2716.20 and Midwest Paving Pay Application #3 2022 Street Repairs $8,807.52. Being no questions or comments from the public Bozell resumed the regular meeting at 7:15pm.
Motion to approve Resolution 21-2023 made by Blake, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.
Motion to approve the meeting minutes from July 20 and August 3 made by Robertson, 2nd by Shuck and all were in favor.
Bozell opened the floor to Jim Nelson from LKQ who gave a presentation on LKQ Corporation and the property rezone.
Bozell opened the floor to public comment regarding their comments and concerns regarding the rezone of this property limited to 2 minutes per person. The following residents spoke:
Greg Valentine 5297 S 800 W
David Smethers 9148 W State Road 38
Diane Presslor 334 W 10th Street
Sid Butler 9016 W State Road 38
Kristi Worthman 1405 N Vine Street
Steve Perry, Perry Well Drilling 4946 State Road 32 Anderson
Mike Farrer Attorney for the Town
Motion to approve Ordinance #6-2023 as amended AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LAPEL, MADISON COUNTY, INDIANA to change the zoning of Parcel numbers 48-15-16-100-003.000-044, 48-15-16-100-001-000-044 and 48-15-16-500-001.000-044 from Agricultural to General Industrial made by Robertson, 2nd by Washmuth, voting yes, Washmuth, Robertson and Bozell, voting no, Blake and Shuck.
Motion to approve Resolution 22-2023 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LAPEL, INDIANA ADOPTING A CAPITAL ASSET POLICY FOR THE TOWN OF LAPEL made by Washmuth, 2nd by Shuck and all were in favor.
Mike Daniels-Utility Crew-gave a presentation from LED Lighting Solutions on a replacement light for the crossing at the middle school.
Motion to purchase a solar horizontal rapid flashing beacon system in the amount of $2499.00 made by Bozell, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.
Discussion was held on quote from Utility Supply for water meters.
Motion to table decision on quote made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
Discussion was held on Town building and public meeting space.
Discussion was held on Utility Staff obtaining CDL licensing.
Discussion was held on new fees and charges for Special Event Permit.
Discussion was held on IN.gov providing emails and professional services.
Discussion was held on the South Madison Community Foundation Award.
Motion to approve South Madison Community Foundation Award in the amount of $1,188.00 to be given to the Lapel Marching Bulldog Band made by Bozell, 2nd by Blake and all were in favor.
Discussion was held on Regal Computer Services-Regal will need to provide a professional services contract to the Town.
Discussion was held on Part Time Police Officer.
Motion to create a position for a part time patrol officer at the regular patrol officer pay grade as established by the salary ordinance made by Blake, 2nd by Washmuth, voting yes, Washmuth, Blake, and Robertson, voting no, Shuck, abstain, Bozell.
Katie Hutchison spoke on the ongoing park project. School Board position on the park board has been filled and will be announced at the next park board meeting.
Motion to approve the claims as presented made by Shuck, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
There was no further business to discuss.
Motion to adjourn was made by Bozell, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.