- On 4/18/2024
- In Town
APRIL 18, 2024
In attendance: Chad Blake, Brian Robertson, Roger Fouse, Gary Shuck, Teresa Retherford, Clerk-Treasurer and Evan McMullen, Town Attorney
7pm meeting called to order.
Dennis Price sent a letter regarding a water leak at 1427 N Ford St. Asking if there is a response to the letter. Nikoloff explains that the water leak is from a that could be from an old golf course. It does not run to Price’s house. Nikoloff will be getting the vac truck to the back of the property to properly fix this issue.
Robbie Slaughter is running for US Congress from our district as an independent candidate. Asking for signatures to get on the ballot. It is necessary to get 7,000 signatures for independent candidates to run.
Ken Delabastide wants to know the status of water. Is Atlas going to come back and fix it or what is going to happen? Blake states the council is working with legal on this, will have an update at next month’s meeting.
Maguire presents maintenance plan for water tower. It’s broken down to a 3-year plan at $72,000 each year. Year 1 would be repairs and painting of the tower and the cost would be spread throughout the 3 years. All information is based on previous inspection. McMullen will be working with Maguire to fix the contract through email. Will put this back on May’s Agenda.
Payroll dockets and claims were sent out. A couple months ago, found out 2 accounts for a house in Fishersburg had been being charged. The original owners of the house who are selling on contract sent Retherford a certified letter stating that it was okay to reimburse the current owners. It will be around $4,000.00-5,000.00 due to this starting around 2011. Retherford will get the documentation together and present it at another meeting showing the total amount.
Retherford got a quote for the work order system through Boyce. Cost is $1,195.00 and annual maintenance of $600.00 at next year’s renewal.
Motion to approve the addition of the work order system through Boyce made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson. All in favor.
Retherford has a virtual meeting tomorrow with Boyce for the time clock system.
Several people have called in asking if the town is going to do the sidewalk match program. Cascaden fund has been used for this in the past where the resident pays for half the cost of their sidewalk repair and the rest comes out of this fund. There would be a cap on this to where there would be a $5,000.00-7,000.00 allowance on this.
Motion to reenact the sidewalk fund made by Fouse, 2nd by Robertson. Amendment made by Shuck to not exceed $7,000.00. All in favor.
Motion to approve December 21, 2023 minutes as presented made by Shuck, 2nd by Robertson. All in favor.
Motion to approve payroll dockets as submitted made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson. All in favor.
Blake suspends the regular meeting to open the floor for public hearing for Ordinance 04-2024 for additional appropriations for ARPA Funds. Town has an unencumbered balance in the ARPA funds that were given to the town by federal government of $45,618.93. These funds must be put towards certain projects for this year. Appropriating to spend this money on engineering fees for upcoming projects this year such as road paving. Blake closes public hearing and reopens regular council meeting.
Motion to approve Ordinance 04-2024 by Shuck, 2nd by Blake. All in favor.
Consider a resolution to adopt the town council policies and procedures manual as Resolution 02-204 as tabled.
Installation of a new fire hydrant. This will allow us to flush the raw line pipes with this hydrant.
Motion made by Blake to approve the quote from Culy for $6,863.00, 2nd by Robertson. All in favor.
Quote for Gripp, Inc. for a flow study. The purpose of this would be to figure out where there is an intrusion of storm water within our sewage system. It would narrow it down into five sections. Once the problem is found, it is possible some other testing will be done to pinpoint where the problem is, but this would be a good start. This will be step 1 for the wastewater project. Proposal from Gripp for the installation of 5 meters and a flow study is $28,500.00 and two months of monitoring.
Motion to approve the Gripp project made by Shuck, 2nd by Robertson. All in favor.
Storm water drainage issue in Montgomery Farms. Greg Weaver who lives in Montgomery Farms came to talk about the situation with the drainage swell from the Davis home that was built. He also says there are no street signs, streetlights or yard lights according to the ordinance in Montgomery Farms. Also, the 911 center needs to be notified of the houses that are built out there as they can not send medical emergency personnel out if needed. Per Blake, street signs and lights are the responsibility of the developer. No more permits will be issued until the lights are fixed by the building inspector. Some of the issues are the responsibility of the HOA that is supposed to be in place at Montgomery Farms. Norton suggests having an engineering team come out to Montgomery Farms. Lapel’s legal team will investigate everything.
Discuss IT and other technology needs. Per Norton, just table it. Blake explains it goes to the time clock and work order system. Our website and functionality. Getting a proposal to revamp website to get it to where it needs to be.
Department Reports
Police: Chief Naselroad gives update that there are up to 507 calls this month. Increase in patrol checks. Increase in traffic stops too. 59,000 plate reads which is up to about 10,000 people. For personal reasons and other reasons our part time officer that was going to the academy in April got pushed back and is now going to be going in August. 1,426 total calls this year.
Planning: No public hearings. Some land splits will be coming next month, with Weihe Construction, Shelby Materials and Lapel Industrial Parks.
Utilities: BestWay will start picking up biobags next week. The two-yard dumpster needs to be cancelled. Nikoloff got a couple quotes for RPZ Backflow Preventers for at the wastewater and water plant that tested bad. Nikoloff got prices for CDL’s. There are road issues that Atlas has made that Nikoloff wants to know if the town can fix and bill Atlas. Attorney McMullin is in discussion with Atlas and he will bring up these subjects in discussion. The red dump truck is running again. Hot Box is not working currently. Clean outs are six months overdue. Nikoloff got a quote from Culy that is under $5,000.00 that needs signed off. Blowers need done at wastewater plant; they are about six months behind.
Parks: No updates as they meet next week. McMullin advises he will not be there. Mr. Graham is going to amend the contract to $175 extra a month to cover the parks. Blake does not recall receiving it. Per McMullin it will be brought up at the special meeting.
RDC: In transitions of meetings, no update.
Office: Peggy Lynn started last Wednesday. Everyone is going to learn everything and then will split it up between who does what. McMullin gives an overview of the Atlas water project. The council will have a special meeting next Thursday April 25th at 6:30 showing all the pay apps to vote on them.
Council Member Comments and Concerns: No Concerns
Approval of Claims: Messer Turf & Pests and Westland Concepts needs removed.
Motion to approve claims with Messer and Westland removed made by Robertson, 2nd by Fouse. Shuck obtained. Blake, Robertson, Fouse in favor.
Motion to adjourn made by Robertson, 2nd by Blake. All in favor.