- On 6/20/2024
- In Town
JUNE 20, 2024
In attendance: Chad Blake, Brian Robertson, Lindsey Washmuth, Teresa Retherford, ClerkTreasurer, Evan McMullin, Town Attorney, Dax Norton
7p.m. meeting called to order at the Lapel Lion's Club
Public Comments and Concerns:
Marianne Nethery gave a list of where there are major holes in the streets. Also wants to question about the water main and hydrant flushing. Is it normal for towns to have to monitor when or not laundry can be done? Blake lets her know that most holes are from the contractor not finishing their job and they are doing legal action to try and get these roads taken care of. Also replacing water lines is supposed to help clean out the pipes so it should help with the discoloration of the water. Blake asked Nethery to email the list to info@lapelindiana.org so the town can double check the list and see if there are any holes that they missed.
Amend the agenda for the rest of the meeting. Unfinished business with McGuire Company concerning water tower maintenance.
Motion to add McGuire contract under section 7 in the unfinished business made by Blake, 2nd by Washmuth. All in favor.
Optimist Club with the 5k run permit were not able to make it tonight. Permit was already given. Naselroad has already spoken to them about the roadblocks and whatever else is needed.
Motion made to approve the permit for the 5k run made by Robertson, 2nd by Washmuth. All in favor.
Pax Beer Fest, no one was in attendance. There are no issues with the Beer Fest, same road closures and plan needed.
Motion to approve the Beer Fest permit as presented made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson. All in favor.
Clerk-Treasurer Report:
Retherford says how the budget season is coming and gives a head up about that. She will be out of the office next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and half of Thursday for schooling in South Bend.
Approval of Minutes:
January and February 2024 meetings can be approved. March 2024 cannot be approved.
Motion to approve January and February 2024 Town Council Meeting Minutes made by Robertson, 2nd by Blake. All in favor.
Norton explains how March 2024 minutes can be approved even if everyone there were not at that meeting.
Motion to approve January, February and March 2024 Town Council Meeting Minutes made by Washmuth, 2nd by Robertson. All in favor.
Public Hearing Items: None
Unfinished Business:
McGuire revised the 3-year contract plan that was offered to the council at the last meeting and returned it to the attorney. McMullin approved the contract.
Motion to approve contract with McGuire for the 3-year maintenance plan on the water tower made by Blake, 2nd by Washmuth. All in favor.
Discuss IT and needed technology. Norton says in the next year it will be required to record the meetings and post them on the website. Our website needs to be upgraded and easily accessible. Also, the lapel@jndiana.org needs switched to in.gov system.
New Business:
Consider an ordinance to approve a zone map amendment Ordinance 6-2024:
Wills Excavating on 1 3 next to Crabby Apple. Adam Stevenson is representing Jason Wills of Wills Excavating. They are aiming to acquire landsite north of Crabby Apple to build a 14,000 sq ft industrial building and an outside gravel lot for storage of heavy equipment and trucks. Want to change this land from agricultural to general industrial. Robertson would like to add that the fence is 8ft with 2-3 ft mound for 1 Ift of blockage for the trucks. Blake lists the concerns about the gravel not being able to protect the ground water with an aquafer that runs in that area, this also goes against the comprehensive plan. Washmuth and Robertson voice their opinion about the gravel not being protected. Blake states his opinion that this is not the right project for the location.
Motion made to approve Ordinance 6-2024 to amend the official zone map to make this parcel to be rezoned as general industrial made by Robertson, 2nd by Washmuth. Robertson in favor. Washmuth and Blake, no.
Plan commission concerning a subdivision plat:
Asked for a continuance on this considering two people on the council were not present.
ResoLution authorizing the signatory for an SRF loan for the wastewater treatment plant, Resolution 3-2024:
The State and Federal Government requires State and Federal Supplied Funds require an authorized signatory for all legal documents. That person needs authorization. Blake will be authorized to make the signatories.
Motion to approve Resolution 3-2024 made by Robertson, 2nd by Blake. All jn favor.
Resolution 4-2024 accepting the expansion project SRF:
Motion to approve Resolution 4-2024 made by Washmuth, 2nd by Robertson. All in favor.
Consider an expenditure exceeding $5,000.00:
Software used to run the town; this is to add the time clock program. It will simplify the time clock punches to go directly into the payroll system instead of being put in by hand, making it more efficient. Quote for the Key Tracks with the Biometrics License of $7,850.00. Will need two usb finger scanners and two quick clock desktops.
Motion to approve purchase from Boyce for the Key Tracks with the Biometrics Licenses and accessories not to exceed $8,000.00 made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson. All in favor.
Employees with commercial driver's license:
Worked with legal team to come up with a proposal for the town to pay for the CDL. Employees must work for two years after obtaining the CDL for the town to pay. If employees CDL's license is revoked or the employee terminates employment for any reason, including involuntary, the employee would be required to reimburse the town 100% of the cost incurred. This will be tabled until next month for further review.
Consider approval of job descriptions of Town Administrative Assistant and Town Manager:
Hire a full time Town Manager instead of having Norton from MS Consultants. The position is already created. Just need to move forward for the job descriptions. The town has no employees in town hall. There is no person to represent the town and town council on dayto-day basis in town hall.
Motion to approve the job descriptions for Administrative Assistant and Town Manager as presented made by Robertson, 2nd by Blake. All in favor.
Motion made to advertise Administrative Assistant and Town Manager positions made by Blake, 2nd by Washmuth. All in favor.
Robertson asks if it's $1.00 more per hour paid for having a CDL, per Blake it is. Asks for it to be revisited.
Discuss Amendments to the Utility Bill Adjustment Procedure:
State statute says you can only approve an adjustment for a water leak that is not detectable. Norton suggests we need to investigate the way that adjustments to a bill are approved. The council should be approving the adjustments.
Discuss and schedule 2025 budget workshops:
Norton suggests to Retherford to have two workshops in July for the budget. The council discusses dates to have the two workshops held on July 8th for the review of proposed and projected revenue and current spending and start with the police department and July 22nd do the utilities and other departments. Start the meetings at 6:00pm at the Lion's Club.
Police Department:
504 calls. 116 calls in the last week, calls are up compared to normal. 24 charges filed in the last month, substantial drug arrests. Petty passed his standardized field sobriety instructor test. Montgomery passed his stops class yesterday. Noah got assigned for his SRO school that will happen in November. Police continue to clean out their evidence room and send stuff to the auction. They have received their money back for doing this, but it must be turned into Madison County. Trying to figure out how to make sure they get the money back from Madison County. Police are getting ready for the 4th of July. Barricades will need put up for the fireworks show and the 5-k run. Naselroad will get with utilities about the barricades. Anticipating five officers working on the 4th of July. Requested to get more radios for all five guys because the town does not have enough right now. Two bicycles were donated from the Edgewood Police Department in which the events like Village Fair and 4th of July there will be two officers on the bikes. There is another officer standing by to go to physical tactics.
Robertson says there are two that were brought to this meeting, one was shot down and the other wanted a continuance. There are 4 letters going out certified mail for cleaning up of their properties.
Chris Higginbotham states how John is still out due to the accident with his knee, so he is handling the water plant. Mike Daniels is on vacation this week, so down to three guys this week. The flow meters were installed for the sanitary system to monitor wet weather. Midco contacted Higginbotham to do a cleaning of the tower, it is not needed due to another contractor doing the cleaning. Being short handed this week, Robertson did approve Higginbothan, Hutchison and Scherer to work on Wednesday which was a holiday.
No one present for the parks.
Redevelopment Commission:
They had a good meeting today, working on things for the future.
No update.
Council member comments and concerns:
Blake announced that it was put out on Facebook about the open spots for the Parks Board and Redevelopment Commission. So far one letter has been turned in. These are council appointed positions that will be voted on.
Approval of claims:
Motion made to approve claims as presented made by Washmuth, 2nd by Blake. All in favor.
Motion to adjourn made by Blake, 2nd by Washmuth. All in favor.