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Town Minutes from 7/18/2024

Minutes from a Town meeting on 7/18/2024.

JULY 18, 2024

In attendance: Chad Blake, Brian Robertson, Gary Shuck, Teresa Retherford, Clerk Treasurer, Michael Farrer, Town Attorney

7p.m. meeting called to order at the Lapel Lion's Club


There are no presentations.

CLERK-TREASURER REPORT: Retherford sent out a fund and appropriation report for the end of June.


Motion to approve April and May 2024 meeting minutes made by Robertson, 2nd by Shuck.

All in favor.




Retherford discusses email from Ron Regan about the refunds from PEPL. The council needs to determine the length of time to reduce the gas rate for all current and future customers.

Motion to distribute the Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Settlement money over a period of two years made by Shuck, 2nd by Blake. All in favor.


Discussion to consider a ROW dedication acceptance along 1000 or "Atlantic Road". Platt has already been approved. Approval to accept the ROW needs to be made by the Town Council.

Motion to accept the dedication of ROW on the East side along 1000 or "Atlantic Road" made by Robertson, 2nd by Shuck. All in favor.

Discussion to consider an Ordinance 2024-08 to create a Fund for Police Donations. First reading made by Blake.

Motion made to approve first reading of Ordinance 2024-08 by Robertson, 2 nd by Blake. All in favor.

Discussion to consider an Ordinance 2024-07 to create a Fund for Police SRO Officer. First reading made by Blake.

Motion made to approve first reading of Ordinance 2024-07 by Blake, 2nd by Robertson. All in favor.

Discussion on a list to be sent to collections for customers with outstanding balances. Recommendation to take storm water only customers out of the list, the rest can be sent to collections.

Motion made to send out any without storm water to collections made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson. All in favor.



Captain Buffington states there were 574 calls responded to since last month. Several OWI arrests. The Village Fair went good. The Lapel Firework Association donated $1,OOO.OO to the police department and it helped by adding 2 cop bikes to the department.


Nothing new in planning


John Nikoloff had knee surgery yesterday. Chris Higginbotham asks about the red dump truck.


Brookside was planted and US Fish and Wildlife came and said growth looks great and no treatments needed. They will be back out in August. Designs for signs should be ready next month and a quote for path installed should be ready by then. Retherford said the bill is on the docket. Katie states there is a gentleman that wants to hang his banners for advertisement to rebuild batter boxes, expand work done on infield, extend the base lines for all age groups.


An application was turned in by Jacob Huntzinger to be on the Redevelopment Commission.

Motion to appoint Jacob Huntzinger to be on the Redevelopment Commission made by Robertson, 2nd by Shuck. All in favor.

Blake discusses the Redevelopment Commission through a building authority who is currently working to purchase a piece of property within the town limits. Approval of the Town Council needs made to approve Blake to negotiate.

Motion to authorize Blake to enter into negotiations for purchase of real estate made by Robertson, 2nd by Shuck. All in favor.


Blake speaks about Dax Norton no longer being with the town.


Robertson says how the water tower is being painted this year and coaches at the school would like the high school logo on the water tower. There are people who would like to donate to this cause.

Shuck discusses the streets and sidewalks that were torn up by the water projects, ask legal if it's getting closer to this issue being fixed. Attorney Farrer talks about what is going on with the water project at this point with the council.


Everyone reviewed the claims. No questions or concerns.

Motion made to approve the claims as presented made by Robertson, 2nd by Blake. All in favor.


Motion to adjourn made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson. All in favor.
