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Town Minutes from 8/15/2024

Minutes from a Town meeting on 8/15/2024.

AUGUST 15, 2024

In attendance: Chad Blake, Brian Robertson, Lindsay Washmuth, Roger Fouse, Gary Shuck, and Clerk-Treasurer, Teresa Retherford

7pm meeting called to order.

Request to amend the agenda to add Commonwealth to the presentations. Move Fiberhawk to the presentations and add a Public Hearing that was advertised for Additional Appropriation but was not put on the agenda.

Motion made to amend the agenda by Robertson, 2nd by Washmuth. All were in favor.

Blake opens the floor for public comment

Mike Helterbrand discussed the property at 22 W Pendleton Ave.


Oksana Polhuy, Planning Administrator discussed different topics for the Comprehensive Plan update and how to go about doing it.

Michael Farrer discussed the Fiberhawk building and the lease agreement.

Motion to approve the Resolution to allow President Blake to sign the lease agreement between the Town of Lapel and Fiberhawk made by Fouse, 2nd by Blake and all were in favor.

Rob Bellucci, Commonwealth Engineers, discussed Change order #6 which is a deductive change order which is reducing their contract amount by $195,057.60. Pay Application 18R which reflects final payment for work that was completed and accepted under the partial substantial completion that Pay App amounts to $37,246.00 after holding back the $148,000.00 that was deducted from Pay Apps 15, 16, and 17. It was agreed to hold that back until completion of the job. Pay Application 19R in the amount of $96,018.23 is the release of retainage for the work that has been completed that was also agreed to in the contract amendment.

Motion to approve Change Order #6 made by Shuck, 2 nd by Robertson and all were in favor.

Robertson stated to the public that this sets March 31, 2025 for the whole water project to be substantially completed.

Motion to approve Pay App 18R in the amount of $37,246.00 and Pay App 19R in the amount of $96,018.23 made by Shuck, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.

Discussion between Evan McMullen and Rob Bellucci as to when they could have a preconstruction meeting the last week of August and weekly meetings thereafter.

Retherford passed out budget information for the 2025 Budget to the council. Council decided to hold a Special Meeting to discuss the Budget. The Special Meeting was scheduled for August 28, 2024 at 6:OOpm.

Clerk-Treasurer Report

One or two employees have expressed that they would like to increase dental coverage from $1000.00 to $2000.00. Retherford spoke to the insurance broker and the increase in cost would go from $31.90 to $36.67 per person which would be an increase of $4.77 and would be split between the Town of Lapel and the employee. The amount of the increase the town would pay is $2.39 per employee per month extra.

Motion to approve the change in dental coverage for the town employees made by Blake, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.

Retherford let the council know that she would be out of the office on September 27th and 28th for Boyce classes in Fishers and October 8th 9th, and 10th for Aim Conference in Fort Wayne.

Motion to approve June 2024 meeting minutes and the August 2, 2024 Memorandum of Executive Session made by Blake, 2 nd by Robertson and all were in favor.

Public Hearing

Blake suspended the regular meeting and opened the Public Hearing for an Additional Appropriation. Ordinance 9-2024 additional appropriations for Funds from LIT for $7500.00 and Opioid Unrestricted for $5000.00. Blake stated these funds can only be used in the Police Department. No one from the public had any questions.

Robertson asked that Chief Naselroad explain what the money would be spent on. Chief Naselroad then told the council that the money coming out of LIT, the $7500.00 will be used to purchase long guns for the police department with a government bid price. It will allow one long gun for each vehicle and one for the SRO police office. It will also help purchase the optics for the rifles. Kielsler's will use our older rifles as trade in for our part-time officer to have a weapon furnished by the town. Unrestricted Opioid will be used to purchase a portable breath test for the SRO officer and drug testing equipment. It will also help pay for the optics for the rifles.

Blake ended the public hearing and resumed the regular meeting.

Motion to approve Ordinance 9-2024 made by Robertson, 2 nd by Lindsay. Blake, yes. Robertson, yes. Washmuth, yes Fouse, yes. Shuck, no.

Motion to suspend the rules and approve Ordinance 9-2024 on the first reading made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson. Blake, yes. Robertson, yes. Washmuth, yes. Fouse, yes. Shuck, no.

Unfinished Business

Second reading of Ordinance 8-2024 for Police Department Fund

Motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 8-2024 made by Robertson, 2 nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.

Motion to suspend the rules and approve Ordinance 8-2024 on the second reading made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.

Second reading of Ordinance 7-2024 for the SRO Officer Fund

Motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 7-2024 made by Blake, 2 nd by Robertson and all were in favor.

New Business

Estimate from Sutton's Tree Service for removal and trimming of trees in the amount of $11,000.00. Shuck spoke up and said that we don't have the money in the budget and they don't all need to be taken down right now. Blake spoke up and said we have ARPA money that needs to be spent by the end of the year. Retherford stated he was correct and it could be used for any government lawful use. Retherford stated that there have been complaints from a couple residents to the fact that the trees are rotted and big limbs are falling out of them. Shuck stated that if we are going to use ARPA money that needs to be spent to just take them all down instead of trimming two of them. Washmuth stated we should get a couple more estimates. The council asked Retherford to try to get more quotes for taking 9 trees down.

Department Reports


SRO officer is scheduled to go into his mandated school SRO training in November. Total number of calls last month was 420. Ten arrests being from OWI and Domestic. First set of interviews for a part time officer have been done now going to start the second set of interviews next week. Next month Captain Buffington's truck will be paid off. In the rotation plan for vehicles we skipped a vehicle last year and it's time to replace the Durango. In the last year and a half we have spent about $6,000.00 for maintenance on it. Blake then stated that in the 5 year rotation plan the lease is paid off on the 2020 F150 and it will be moved to the pool car when we replace it. We have the money in the budget for that payment and with things costing more these days through the replacement plan we do have the funds available from the last vehicle sale that will be used to buy equipment and things to bring the payment down on the next vehicle. We reached out and got quotes. We were notified today the Kelly Chevrolet has a vehicle in stock for state bid price. The next step in this process is to vote to approve getting quotes for financing and vote to authorize listing the Durango for sale.

Motion seek a financing quote for the next vehicle lease made by Robertson, 2nd by Washmuth. Blake, yes. Robertson, yes. Washmuth, yes. Fouse, yes. Shuck, no.

Motion to seek a buyer for the Durango made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.


Attorney Evan McMullen brought up that it has been brought to his attention that the former head of utilities in her new capacity has been harassing our utility department for extra reports and things that aren't typical and McMullen wants it on record. He is dealing with it.

Council Comments and Concerns

Fouse brought up the open spots on the different boards. Have we gotten any interest from anyone? There is a spot on the RDC and a spot on the Parks Board. Everything else is full.

Shuck asked if there is any way to sell a vehicle for scrap. McMullen will look into it. Shuck stated the Colorado will probably not bring in any money at an auction.

Washmuth stated she has concerns with the communication. All council members should be aware of everything. McMullen stated there can't be dialogue between all of the council members. McMullen said he would work to make sure everyone stay aware of everything.

Approval of Claims

Motion made by Blake, 2nd by Shuck. All were in favor except Robertson, who abstained.

Approval of Allowance Docket

Motion made by Blake to approve May, June and July Allowance Docket, Robertson 2nd and all were in favor.

Motion to adjourn made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
