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Special Town Minutes from 8/12/2021

Minutes from a Special Town meeting on 8/12/2021.

Lapel Town Council Special Meeting

August 12, 2021 @ 7:00pm

Lapel Eagles

In person attendance was Chad Blake, Tom Marvel, Teresa Retherford, Jason Kleinbub, Kourtney Krabbe, and Shanna Kelly Town Attorney. There were no members in attendance online, and Washmuth was absent. The public could attend the meeting either in person at the Lapel Eagles, or online using the GoTo Meeting link posted on the Town’s Facebook page.

CCMG 2021-1 Paving Bids: Blake opened the four paving bids in order they were received:

            CC&T Construction $755,382.20

            E&B Paving              $713,797.74

            Midwest Paving        $699,460.00

            DC Construction       $507,339.32

Blake asked Drew Wolfred from Kimley Horn Engineers what the deadline was to award the contract. Blake wants to make sure there is plenty of time for the engineers to remove the bids due to there being a huge difference in bid amounts. Wolfred stated the Town has a public hearing set for 8/19/2021 but could push it back if needed. The Town has to have a signed owner contract sent to INDOT by 8/29/2021.

A motion was made to accept all four bids & to take them under advisement to be reviewed by the Town’s engineers was made by Blake, 2nd by Retherford; all were in favor.

Central Park Paving was tabled until 8/19/2021.

Gas Emergency Valve: Hutchison stated USDI was here and did an inspection on all of the town’s emergency valves and found one to be inoperable. Hutchison said when an emergency valve is inoperable it needs to be fixed promptly or exchanged with another valve. Due to the location of this particular valve it has to be replaced. Hutchison provided the Council with a quote from USDI for $8,000 to excavate the location & replace the valve.

A motion to allow USDI to replace the emergency gas valve not to exceed $9,000 was made by Retherford, 2nd by Kleinbub; all were in favor.

Being no further business to discuss, meeting was adjourned. Next regularly scheduled Town Council Meeting is set for 8/19/2021 @ 7:00pm at the Lapel Eagles.

