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Special Town Minutes from 8/3/2023

Minutes from a Special Town meeting on 8/3/2023.

AUGUST 3, 2023

In attendance: Noah Bozell, Chad Blake, Gary Shuck, Brian Robertson, Paula Lee, Evan McMullen, Town Attorney and Lindsay Washmuth (arrived 6:03pm)

6pm meeting called to order.

Floor was opened for Public Comment-Kristi Worthman 1405 N Vine St., asked about the $96,000 short fall of the park accounts, asking if the investigation was still in process.  Bozell stated the investigation is still ongoing.

Discussion was held on Atlas Pay Apps 11 & 12, Shuck had met with Bellucci and Atlas, Atlas plans to finish what is already in the ground by August 14.  Bellucci advised the Council to table payment of these Apps until the regular meeting August 17.

Motion to table Pay Apps 11 & 12 made by Bozell, 2nd by Blake and all were in favor.

Proposal from I AM GIS- a one year contract was approved at last meeting since then I AM GIS has offered a three year term of service at a savings of $600 per year.  Discussion was held, scope of service is the same, but savings are offered for extending contract to 3 years over annually.

Motion to approve 3 year term of service with I AM GIS made by Blake, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.

Pax Disc Golf Event-Colt Carpenter- Shuck asked if a certificate of insurance should be required, McMullen agreed that Carpenter should provide a certificate of insurance for the upcoming event.  Food truck vendors were also discussed for attendance of the event. Bozell mentioned the draft of the event permit further down on the agenda, Carpenter may be required to fill out permit for event but at this point without a fee ordinance in place no fees for permit will be charged.

Signage plan for Pax was discussed, McMullen stated State Road 13 and Old 132 are state highways and therefore Pax should approach the state for permission of signage.  Discussion on signage ordinance was held.

Motion to table Regal Computer Services Proposal until August 17 meeting made by Bozell, 2nd by Blake and all were in favor. management team has appointment set with Dax Norton regarding changeover of emails to .gov instead of .org.

Event Permit-Draft of permit reviewed by Council, Lee asked McMullen if ordinance would be required for fees and would there be a flat fee or fee based on type of event.  McMullen said we could have a flat fee as well as fees based on type of event based on needs of person applying.  Such as, would there be a road closure required or traffic control required, basically any type of involvement from the Town or Town employees would require a different fee from the flat fee. Fee schedule for the ordinance will be evaluated for creating of the ordinance.

Motion to approve Event Permit as presented made by Blake, 2nd by Bozell and all were in favor.

INDOT Unofficial Detour-Discussion held on INDOT documents sent to Town regarding unofficial detour route.  Shuck wants road videoed and documented as to condition before project begins. This way when project is finished we can present previous road conditions to INDOT for reimbursement.

Motion to approve INDOT Unofficial Detour made by Shuck, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.

Outstanding invoices from Innovative Planning and The Planning Workshop were discussed, McMullen advised Council to review invoices and mark and discrepancies Council may find and return to McMullen, he will then contact KK and Corrie regarding invoices.

Ordinance Violation Bureau- Ordinance #5-2023 amends #7-1988 allows police department to cite to this ordinance and money be recouped by Town and empowers Clerk/Treasures office to handle these violations.  McMullen also has inter local agreement to contract with a local court to administer proceedings should someone reject the fine/violation.  At that point the court would collect all court fees and the violation fee would be sent to the Town.  McMullen said fee schedules would need to be reviewed and adjusted to meet Indiana Code. Advised to consolidate into one ordinance regarding fees for violations and to separate golf cart fees from violation fees.

Motion to pass Ordinance #5-2023 effective today made by Robertson, 2nd by Bozell voting yes, Bozell, Blake, Washmuth and Robertson.  Voting no, Shuck.

Motion to waive 2nd and 3rd reading of Ordinance #5-2023 and pass on the 1st reading made by Robertson, 2nd by Blake and all were in favor.

Motion to allow legal staff to consult with Elwood City Court to negotiate our Ordinance Bureau Violations made by Bozell, 2nd by Blake and all were in favor.

Motion to authorize Oksana to negotiate with Fiberhawk regarding fiber hut placement made by Blake, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.

Being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned.
