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Special Town Minutes from 3/6/2023

Minutes from a Special Town meeting on 3/6/2023.


MARCH 6, 2023

In attendance: Noah Bozell, Chad Blake, Lindsay Washmuth, Jason Kleinbub, Brian Robertson, Paula Lee, and Evan McMullen, Town Attorney.  In attendance by phone: Dennis Molina.

7pm meeting called to order.

Ordinance 1-2023 was discussed by Town Council an ordinance to create a Town Manager position.  No vote was taken on the passage of the ordinance.  Council to revisit at March 16 meeting.

Tristan Elliott was interviewed for a general labor position on the utility crew. Motion to hire Elliott made by Kleinbub, 2nd by Blake and all were in favor.   Motion to have Kleinbub offer Elliot beginning pay scale wage with the permission of Council to offer up to $18.40 an hour made by Kleinbub, 2nd by Bozell.  Voting yes Kleinbub, Bozell, Washmuth and Robertson.  Voting no Blake. 

7:50pm Brandon Hutchison briefly brought up a sewer issue on 729 Woodward, Council discussed and agreed Hutchison should call Culy to do the work for repair.

8pm Motion to adjourn made by Bozell, 2nd by Blake and all were in favor.
