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Special Town Minutes from 9/21/2022

Minutes from a Special Town meeting on 9/21/2022.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2022

In attendance: Chad Blake, Noah Bozell, Jason Kleinbub, Lindsay Washmuth, Paula Lee and Evan Mc Mullen, Town Attorney.

7pm meeting called to order.

Blake suspended the regular meeting and opened a Public Hearing for Ordinance #7-2022 Vacate Alley.  Petition was read, no questions from Council or the public.

Blake closed Public Hearing and reopened the regular meeting.

Attorney McMullen suggested suspending the normal rules and allow passage on the 1st reading and forgo 2nd and 3rd reading.

Motion made by Kleinbub to suspend normal rules and allow passage on the 1st reading, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.

Motion made by Blake to approve Ordinance #7-2022, 2nd by Washmuth.  Voting yes, Blake, Kleinbub, and Washmuth abstaining Bozell.

Motion to approve quote for repair of generator of WWTP from WW Williams for the amount listed not to exceed pending review of contract whether or not preventative maintenance was properly executed according to contract made by Bozell, 2nd by Washmuth and all were in favor.

Motion to nominate Bozell as Town Council President made by Washmuth, 2nd by Kleinbub and all were in favor.

Being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned.
