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Planning Minutes from 6/8/2023

Minutes from a Planning meeting on 6/8/2023.

JUNE 8, 2023

In attendance: Dan Paddock, Brian Robertson, Andrea Baldwin, Jeff Keith, Angie Calloway, town attorney Evan McMullen, and Town Planning Administrator Oksana Polhuy.

Meeting was called to order at 6:30.


Item 1. Application REZ-2023-01
Subject: Rezoning of the real estate from Agricultural to General Industrial zoning district.
Location: 0 W 650 S., Pendleton, IN 46040
Petitioner: Alan Small, Weihe Construction
Property Owner(s): Fortville Christian Church

Oksana Polhuy, planning administrator, explains why this item came back for the review of the Plan Commission. She says that the previous recommendation of rezoning to a General Commercial zoning district was in error, because the final use that the applicant wants to use the property for, wouldn’t be allowed in it and that the town of Lapel doesn’t have a Variance of Use process to accommodate a relief. So, Ms. Polhuy recommended changing the zoning designation to the General Industrial district. She talked to the petitioner about the reasoning behind the change and the petitioner agreed to it. She also presented her Staff Report and findings behind a recommendation to send a favorable recommendation to the Council. While additional notice for this change is not required, Ms. Polhuy mailed letters to the surrounding property owners to notify them about this hearing.

Paddock opened a Public Hearing for the Application REZ-2023-01 for Weihe Construction, 0 W 650 S. Pendleton, IN.

Mark Hampton asked questions on zoning.

Seeing no one else having questions, Paddock closed the Public Hearing.

Motion to give a favorable recommendation to the Town Council for the Weihe Construction Rezone from Agricultural to General Industrial zoning district for the property located at 0 W 650 S Pendleton, IN made by Paddock, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.

Discussion was held with AJ, a representative from Oakmont Development for the Tuscany Development about the Streetlights and Mailboxes.

Motion was made to approve the Tuscany street lights, mail boxes, stop signs, street signs, and speed limit signs per the drawing submitted tonight was made by Keith, 2nd by Baldwin and all were in favor.

Discussion was held about the Montgomery Farms HOA Covenants.

New Business, Oksana presented the Commission with the Rules and Procedures to go over and see if there was anything that needed to be changed before they approved them. The Commission decided they would like to look it over and make any revisions before the next meeting.

There was no Public Comment

Motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Paddock, 2nd by Robertson and all were in favor.
