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Planning Minutes from 6/10/2021

Minutes from a Planning meeting on 6/10/2021.

Lapel Planning Commission

June 10, 2021 6:30pm

Lapel Eagles

In person attendance was Matt Wood, Paula Lee, Dan Paddock, Corrie Meyer, Kourtney Krabbe, and Shanna Kelly Town Attorney. Attending virtually was Angie Duncan. The public could attend tonight’s meeting either in person at the Lapel Eagles, or virtually using the GoTo Meeting link found on the Lapel Facebook page.

104 S Ford Street: Paul Sheller presented drawings to build a new home at 104 S Ford Street. However due to the lot sizes and setback requirements, Sheller will need to apply for a replat to combine two lots into one lot in order to build the home. A motion was made to approve the replat of 104 S Ford Street pending attorney & administrative review by Paddock, 2nd by Wood; all were in favor.

A discussion was held on the Subcommittee permit fee schedule review. Further discussion will be held on July 8th. No action was taken tonight.

Krabbe asked the Planning Commission to think of what properties along SR 13 north of SR 38 they would like to rezone. While completing the comprehensive plan, it was brought to the Town’s attention that the Planning Commission can rezone properties now, but the new rezone would not take place until the current property owner sold the property. Starting future rezones will help speed along the process for when potential businesses want to come to Lapel to build.

3244 Myrtle Drive: Robert Pontius presented a building permit application to extend his driveway, and add a concrete pad in his backyard. After discuss, and review of the current zoning codes, a motion to approve Pontius’ permit was made by Lee, 2nd by Paddock; voting yes was Lee, Wood, Paddock, Duncan. Motion carries 4-0. Corrie Meyer suggested that Pontius makes sure the concrete for the extended driveway slops towards his property & down to the street and not towards neighboring properties.

A motion to approve May 6th meeting minutes was made by Lee, 2nd by Duncan; voting yes was Lee, Paddock, Wood, & Duncan. Motion carries 4-0.

A motion to approve building permits 2585-2595 was made by Wood, 2nd by Paddock; voting yes was Lee, Paddock, Wood, & Duncan. Motion carries 4-0.

Meeting was adjourned as there was no further business to discuss.
