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Planning Minutes from 8/12/2021

Minutes from a Planning meeting on 8/12/2021.

Lapel Planning Commission

August 12, 2021 @ 6:30pm

Lapel Eagles

In person attendance was Gary Shuck, Dan Paddock, Jeff Keith, Matt Wood, Teresa Retherford, Kourtney Krabbe, Corrie Meyer, and Town Attorney Shanna Kelly. There were no members present online. The public could attend this meeting either in person at the Lapel Eagles, or online using the GoTo Meeting link found on the Town’s Facebook page.

The June & July meeting minutes were tabled until the September meeting, as there were not enough members present for approval.

A motion to approve building permits 2603-2610 was made by Shuck, 2nd by Wood; all were in favor.

210 W 9th Street: Derek & Stephanie Evelo were present at tonight’s meeting to provide the Planning Commission with an update regarding their property at 210 w 9th Street. They stated they are still trying to find a contractor to replace the sill plate. They have had four contractors turn down the job, and have a meeting set with a fifth contractor on 8/23/2021. Shuck stated that a few members of the Planning Commission have had members of the community ask when the property would be complete. Shuck asked the Evelo’s if there could provide an approximate timeline. Derek Evelo stated the contractor needs to replace the sill plate first, then they will begin work on the roof & exterior before moving on to the interior. He said the foundation has to be complete before any other work can begin. Paddock asked if the Evelo’s could provide a timeline that does not have a specific start date. The Planning Commission understands the sill plate has to be replaced first, and finding a contractor to complete that work has been difficult. But after a contractor is found, how long do they believe each stage of construction will take. The Evelo’s stated they would write up an approximate timeline.

4512 S SR 13: Gary Shuck spoke to Larry Wyant last week to get an update on the property at 4512 S SR 13. Wyant stated there are dumpsters on the property, and he was going to ask the LSCTFT to help tear down the building. Wyant is hoping to have the house down in 30 days.

A motion to allow Town Hall administrative staff to approve a temporary sign permit for a banner that exceeds 6sq.ft, but will not be posted for longer than 30 days was made by Keith, 2nd by Paddock; all were in favor.

A motion to have code enforcement look at the field behind Central Ave, empty lots at Montgomery Farms, and 1014 N John Street was made by Shuck, 2nd by Paddock. Voting yes was Shuck, Paddock, Keith, & Wood; Retherford abstained.

Being no further business to discuss, meeting was adjourned.

